The Bell Hums: I Stand With Jello Legs at The Gates of Cloud Nine–I Want The Magic!
Cloud nine. A haze of worry. Jello Legs. Hold my hand. I want the magic!
Cloud nine. A haze of worry. Jello Legs. Hold my hand. I want the magic!
Sleeping in on Wednesday staying in on Friday taking breaks more often leaving your phone behind... What does self-care look like to you?
Update: I believe I am thing-less now. And the monster you see at the bottom is just decoration, like tinsel. 😊
I wonder if anyone here hasn't heard about the fantastic Cindy Georgakas's new book that just entered the world. Yup. And the world is better for it! —there was a big launch party, and I put in the extra effort to attend. And published my review on #Amazon. Come check it out, my lovelies.
About that beautiful red flower that looks like a bottlebrush... or, perhaps you like to call it a Kangaroo paw? Lovely!
💼 Work & Play💃🏼are the two opposite words we work with this week for the Synonyms Only challenge at the Word Craft Poetry Website. I hope you like the traditional haiku (incl. a kigo) I created for you.
Wellaneba! This exercise took me into a nightmare state, like when I had a fever as a child. In my delirium, I hallucinated. This twenty little poetry project felt like that to me. Good or bad? Hard to say... It wowed me.
Friends, Moments ago I added my website to participants' list. Now need to sit pretty & wait. See you inside? There's still time to acquaint yourselves with the goings-on for this festival. And none better to inform you & "Share The Wealth" than Poet/Author Maureen Thorson herself? Please read.
Where do children learn about criticism and pet peeves? From imitating adult behaviors, of course. Children learn what they see, adapt behaviors from others, and test boundaries as they get older. If you feel children today have become more cynical and aggressive, you're probably right. The good news is that we still have time to help change them to be more generous, less critical, and exemplary ambassadors of peace.
This is why I want to turn things around and ask those ghosts without verdancy of decency: “What would YOU do if your mother asked YOU?”
Pouring a glass of water on New Year's Day reflects me a buoyant star, bouncing in the water in my glass, and I write a tanka poem.
Do you know about Matsuo Basho? He was the greatest figure active in Japanese haikai. In crystallizing the newly popular haikai, he played a significant role in giving birth to modern haiku. Please read on.