Read more about the article One Easter, I Wrote a Dear John Letter to God
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One Easter, I Wrote a Dear John Letter to God

For many years, I lived a safe and tethered life-- loving my creator and the world, until I was introduced to my first philosophy class.  Little by little, I started to feel smarter than the creator of all things; so smart that I started to question and test my God. What kind of God -lets children starve? -lets people get sick and die? -lets bad things happen to good people? The innocent faith of the child that lived in me was confronted with questions too large. My God-fearing parents prayed for me. And then, I wrote God a Dear John letter. 

Read more about the article Here’s What You Need to Give up To Be Happy
Image by kmicican from Pixabay  

Here’s What You Need to Give up To Be Happy

Are you happy? Or are you one who thinks that happiness is yet to come to you? Say, after you achieve such and such a thing? Or perhaps you feel that you are not deserving of happiness? That everyone gets a quota on happiness, and since you already experienced some once, you've already met yours. Or perhaps you feel you need to give up something -- which you're not ready to give up yet --  to get you there? Or, and this is the saddest, perhaps you're clinging on to old beliefs, sabotaging you from getting you to that happy place?  Here's the thing, you are deserving of happiness.