Read more about the article Consecrating The Confession of A Wannabe Poet #Day25 #etheree
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Consecrating The Confession of A Wannabe Poet #Day25 #etheree

We're nearing the end of April, the end of poetry month. I'm feeling sad already. Thanks for reading my words. I will never know all the voices that stayed long enough for me to jot things down-- all those voices that spoke through me this month already. But somewhere in the words that precede me, I know that at least one voice carried my soul. And I hope at least one squeezed your heart. Let me know which one, please. Here's my confession:

Read more about the article The Best Simulation Of What Parenting Children Is Like
Photo by Nycolle Suabya on

The Best Simulation Of What Parenting Children Is Like

I was blessed to raise two little boys who are now in their twenties. I don’t do much mother-ing anymore, but the fact that I’m still a mother qualifies me to write to tell you about the greatest joy I know. I hope that by the end of the post, you come to appreciate the analogy I make, or at best, you come to understand the beauty of something I so ardently recommend. Enjoy.

Read more about the article On Parenting: When Do You Stop Burning Midnight Oil?
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay

On Parenting: When Do You Stop Burning Midnight Oil?

I was an avid sleeper until the hormonal imbalance of pregnancy changed me. In this humor piece on parenting advice, I want to tell you how it took me 19 years to reclaim my good sleep pattern. Find memes and serious articles on how to balance the scales on the miracle that is parenting. I'm rooting for you.