You are currently viewing If The Muse Bestows, Commune, Set It Free #poetry
Image by Prettysleepy from Pixabay

If The Muse Bestows, Commune, Set It Free #poetry

From the cloister of my mind, I see it
arbitrary hit my faithful shadow
One step behind, shadow cows, sequestered
Not to alarm me about the goblin 

Hitherto a fortnight since Hallow's Eve
And still, I hear shells when my shadow flits 
I rack my brains long to determine why
And what I find discombobulates me 

I have a poem in my lower-tier 
That failed to make it out at Hallow's time 
For lack of spunk, vacillation-- the sulks 
That I deemed it unfit, unworthy, lame 

But who made me judge, who made me jury?
It came through me but belongs not to me 
I better send it out into the world 
And thus ease distressing my dear shadow
Lest the muse departs never to return
to light up the corridors of my mind

© 2021

The whimsy in the poem should tell you everything.
So if you have a similar affliction and need to set things straight,
let’s pull our resources and send our Halloween poems out into the night.
And get our shadows to gambol about around us — without the sound of
shells– as they should.

Happy boo!

Setting free the one tardy poem that still lingers so.
Almost a Fortnight since Hallow's Eve
and the soul of this one little poem
lumbers in the shadows of my every move.

So, if you have one such poor soul that you failed to set gliding for
Halloween, let’s put in the effort and release them to the poetry world.
This way, they can find their way to where poems go, do what they do, and
hopefully reincarnate into new poems through different poets.

What say you? Do you have one such poem too? 
- Add it in the comments
- Link back to this post
Whatever you do, let's wish them adieu. 


Not in the mood
for hip costumes
my special ear-
rings dance a jig
Zoom in-- closeup
checkout my lobes
ghost earrings, boo!

© 2021

Photo: See the earrings on that turkey?— Image by Prettysleepy from Pixabay
Thanks so much for indulging me with this one. I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. Jeff Flesch

    This is lovely, Selma. I appreciate the message here. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Jeff. Glad you read. Be well my friend. I bless you. xo

      1. Jeff Flesch

        You’re always welcome, Selma. Is my pleaure. Thank you, my friend. Blessings to you. xoxo

  2. rajkkhoja

    So interested massage in poem

    1. Selma Martin

      Thx, my precious. Stay lovely. I bless you and wish you miracles on this lovely Friday in November. xoxo

      1. Daphny Aqua

        You’re welcome Selma! Thank you so much, I wish you miracles as well ❣️
        Have a lovely and blessed day 🌸

  3. Jane Aguiar

    Lovely message and feelings, dear Selma. ♥️Love you, xoxo.

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