You are currently viewing Tremulous Afternoon in Airless Rooms
Image by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay

Tremulous Afternoon in Airless Rooms


Loneliness: a social pain

Clouds in lacey white dresses
hurriedly pass o’er rooftops
salaciously dancing ‘round
inconspicuous Wind

Sun, red-faced
like a disgruntled sentinel
beams stronger
bellowing “Order!”
to the frolicking clouds
His abhorrence ignited
by their blatant charade

Withdrawn and timorous
I watch them
as the afternoon takes shape
on the outside
of my airless room

disregards me

is nonchalant

prix fixe;
flaunts flouting


None see
the silence
the sad corners
that linger here
in airless room
almost forgotten
on this tremulous afternoon
gripping my soul



The holidays, and after the holidays, are not festive occasions for everyone. At times like these, Loneliness tends to pounce on some, usually when least expected. Also, the seasons, especially the winter months, seem to hurt some people. SAD. It’s part of everyday life for us today. Therefore, let’s try to practice what we know about Compassion as a Tool to Connect,  by reaching out to touch those incapacitated by this Social Pain. Let’s lift someone today.


Credits: Image by Anja🤗#helpinghands #solidarity#stays healthy🙏 from Pixabay

I Wish You Miracles.





Selma Martin
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