Read more about the article Speak Louder To Me, November
Photo in my yard, photo by Selma

Speak Louder To Me, November

Rose of Sharon dropsand the crickets grow quietin the moonlit night Concerns over rainno one sees Burchell’s Coucal — fluting comes his call © “October knew, of course, that the action…

Read more about the article An Update on Earthly Days by Cheryl Batavia
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

An Update on Earthly Days by Cheryl Batavia

Exciting News: Earthly Days is available for preorder on Amazon in softcover. Yay! What follows is my Review of this wonderful poetry collection that will help you recall your own treasures... “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”~ Thornton Wilder

Read more about the article A Sonnet For Friday: When a New Day Comes
Image by Prawny from Pixabay

A Sonnet For Friday: When a New Day Comes

Riddle: What do word enthusiast do when they're struggling with nervousness, and feel like a turtle that someone kicked and left struggling to flip itself over? Answer: They write a Sonnet! Come read mine, please.