I’d Grow A Mustache In Solidarity In November #dVerse
"No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds..." – No! by Thomas Hood I'm a great fan of November: Yes-November! #dVerse
"No shade, no shine, no butterflies, no bees, No fruits, no flowers, no leaves, no birds..." – No! by Thomas Hood I'm a great fan of November: Yes-November! #dVerse
In her dVerse pub prompt, Poetics: There's a Word For That, Mish asks if I suffer from logolepsy. Funny! No, I don't suffer from it; I relish in it: love the foreignness of the words in my mouth. Do you suffer? I chose 3 words. Read to see how I used them. xo
Three choices I present to you today, Only three; more than three is surplus. Which school of thought is close to your heart? Will one sag you, will one edify you, will one fit?
I want to show you my lovely Tibouchina that's blooming alongside the black-eyed Susans. My fave colors in the yard. Oh yes, and an invented poetry form called Octelle. Hope you enjoy the poem. Happy Summering.
"I know there are horrible, awful, tragic things going on in the world." ~ Merril "won’t you celebrate with me what i have shaped into a kind of life?” ~ Lucille Clifton.
The town school I went to was near the sea, and our spelling bees usually took place outdoors to accommodate a worthy audience. What was your experience like?
Trying my hand at a new poetry form for my fave pub, dVerse. The form's called a Constanza created in 2007 by Connie Marcum Wong. I hope you enjoy it.
Wrote my very first 'Duplex' and I'm happy for it. Yay! Please check it out. Also, paying homage to The Bard in this one. Come and see why... Thanks for reading.
This is another one for Ukraine. And I thank Vika Muse, @get.muse on #instagram for the lovely visual art. Let's spread more hope by tapping into the right frequency.
The best of times, our lovely long-distance relationship was. A time of patience, & that beautiful art of letter writing made it all a worthy romantic time I savor. We still have the letters.
All those constructs that restrict, all those 'social norms' that hold us back. May we find fortitude to chisel them away. In nibbles, perhaps.
When you sport a crooked smile, get a wobble in your walk, quiver fevered, and shivers run down your spine, you need a breather. Hope this helps. xo