Read more about the article Life is A Series of Struggles and Lulls
Image by Three-shots from Pixabay

Life is A Series of Struggles and Lulls

Take my current circumstances for example. Up until a few days ago, people loved me; today I feel that I’m their target. Up until a few days ago, I felt I was so-so, not bad -- an okay Writer. Today I feel like I’m a fraud, a failure. ... I was feeling rotten therefore I saw things muddled through my already muddled lenses.  I was a stinking dead fish.

Read more about the article How to Use Compassion as A Tool to Connect
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How to Use Compassion as A Tool to Connect

Each of us is good at our core.  We come from different walks of life; we know about our rights, justice, and how to set boundaries. We also know that doing good deeds makes us feel good. But did you also know that this feel-good emotion arises from compassion?  We all came bearing compassion. But, we lost it? Let me tell you how to get it back.  

Read more about the article Trust the Wait, Embrace the Uncertainty, Live in the Season
sakura-Image by Chamaiporn Kitina from Pixabay

Trust the Wait, Embrace the Uncertainty, Live in the Season

I know that some of you reading this article today are feeling beat, depressed, disillusioned about things like your children’s prom as early as next month, perhaps; their upcoming class trips, graduations, and moving plans — that are yet to happen in the summer months. Now that we’re committed to living in the present, shouldn’t we be letting go of worrying over things that have yet to come to pass? Let’s not rush things. Instead, I ask that you put your hands together for the young ones, like yours in your homes, who are braving it now, here in Japan. Right now these young kids are living through those same milestone events that are yet to come in your area.

Read more about the article How To Reclaim What’s Under Viscous Layers

How To Reclaim What’s Under Viscous Layers

Here's a freestyle poem to release you from guilt and return you to purity. Today, I absolve you of everything and revert you to your true nature — Your Purity. Who am I to think I have such power? I’m a citizen of the world who cares, and this, I believe, grants me that power. I absolve You; You reclaim You! Keep reading...

Read more about the article Back, and With an ‘Important’ Message For You
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Back, and With an ‘Important’ Message For You

It was no fun being ripped away from you so unexpectedly. I missed so many milestones. I missed you! But now I'm back, just in time for Easter Monday. I wish to continue to forge ahead with the beautiful relationship we've started and in my most ordinary of ways, try to add value to your days every time I send you an email. Thank you for still being here. I appreciate you and wish you Miracles.

Read more about the article Can’t Wait For Life to Return to The Way it Was?
Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Can’t Wait For Life to Return to The Way it Was?

Us, modern people with smartphones, private jets, and our important, busy lives… Who of us is interested in tanning salons and hot yoga right now? Who of us is feeling impinged upon for having to miss out on monetary gains? Ours was a world that complained too much, stockpiled too much, stepped over those less fortunate, and lived too fast. What a future-less, made-up world we clung on to.

Read more about the article Are You Looking for God?
Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Are You Looking for God?

Have you been looking for God in all the wrong places? Perhaps you looked for Him in your place of worship but all you found was un-Godly people? Well, get ready to be surprised because after today you'll know exactly where to find God.

Read more about the article Do You Believe In Miracles?
Image from Author's Album

Do You Believe In Miracles?

I see where you're coming from. Yesterday people loved you; today, you're their target. Yesterday everything was going smoothly; today, kaboom... We're the same, you and I. But, there's 'something' you can do about it, and you have total control over this. It begins with a lesson and a mind shift. After this, you'll love your life, be deserving of miracles and embrace your life.