A Hospitality Sijo: Moonwashed Weekly
Happy full moon everyone. I owe the need to pen this one down *for you* to David of The Skeptic's Kaddishwebsite, who does not need another feather in his cap…
Happy full moon everyone. I owe the need to pen this one down *for you* to David of The Skeptic's Kaddishwebsite, who does not need another feather in his cap…
Participating in W3 Prompt #90: Wea’ve Written WeeklyPosted on January 17, 2024 by this week's PoW. I. The prompt poem: ‘Summa Theologica, or: Thus Spoke Zarathustra’, a “reverse” poem by…
Small Kindnessesby Danusha Laméris I've been thinking about the way, when you walkdown a crowded aisle, people pull in their legsto let you by. Or how strangers still say “bless…
A Haiga, written for Frank J. Tassone, the top American Haijin at Haikai Poetry Matters Website for haikai challenge II. This week, write the haikai poem of your choice (haiku,…
The lighthouse guides no one it seemswhen it is the sun’s shift to shineit only comes alive at twilightwhen eyes cannot define. But what happens when a lighthouse dies,and the…
Moon: The Masterful Illusionist
Rose of Sharon dropsand the crickets grow quietin the moonlit night Concerns over rainno one sees Burchell’s Coucal — fluting comes his call © selmamartin.com “October knew, of course, that the action…
Hotel de los corazones rotos–The hotel of broken hearts Hello, my precious Readers. I’m so happy you're here. Also grateful to J. ReCrivello, editor-in-chief of Gobblers & Masticadores, Barcelona, Spain, andThe…
A new interview is a learning experience. Take a look at what I learned about myself… I hope you enjoy it too. Merry November everyone.
A happy Sunday to all. Today would have been my daddy's birthday. Pouring my heart out and wishing a Happy Birthday to my daddy who's snug safely in my heart: I remember.
At the end of Summer like at the end of Winter, the old season tries hard to keep a presence. But in the end the old has to make way for the new. Give up the crown, so to speak. I love the lovely exchange. But I really like my October to feel like October from the get go...
Eye roll, eye roll... but life is still grand. May I never forget!