Dulce De Cocoyol
It's easy to conjure up the image of that island ferry. Here's how I do it.
It's easy to conjure up the image of that island ferry. Here's how I do it.
Note: August 1st through 7th is International Clown Week. I'm days late but still wish to tell you about these clowns. Enjoy
February JubilationLittle human,Pygmyhertzno biggerthan a minute—more preciousthan the airI inhaleyou fit sosnug in thecusp of my armyesterdayor day before.Februarywas cold but you broughtwarmth and I will never forget how since…
The little girl went through the motions of preparing and pouring the steaming hot-tea into dainty cups that sat atop matching saucers, she sweetened with condensed milk, and began a conversation with her dolls. (also, self-promo)
How amazing it is that we can still remember things that happened long ago. How amazing! May we never forget.
Dear reader, if you ever hear a whistle as you roam the jungles in Belize, hide your thumbs-- the only way to fool Tata Duende. And You & your horse will not get tails braided into a tangled mess. Trust me on this one.
The two babies we had the privilege of birthing are young men now. I'm amazed at how fast the time zoomed by. Occasionally I think of that time and remember it like yesterday. Nostalgia. I pray for our young people the world over.
Grandma Ami, my paternal grandmother, would be today's protagonist of the tad-bit exaggerated creative non-fiction story/poem. My gramms had good 'reasons' for loving me like she did.
It hasn’t snowed in my area this year yet. And so I dug into last year’s photos when we got our first icing of the year on the last day of Christmas, Epiphany. From the Three Kings, yup– all 6 centimeters in one evening! Please enjoy these poems nestled in my happy place.
Pouring my heart out and wishing a Happy Birthday to my daddy who's snug safely in my heart, and to who I dedicate this poem around All Hallows' Eve when we remember our dearly departed ones.
Introduction to a free book that's been out since 1915. Return to it or discover it for the first time as it's perfect for the month of October.
Music is something we all associate with youth, and we can always relate the two by the type of music we listened to. In a big way, that is how we express and search for meaning and balance in life. And value. Sometimes we stumble on it when still young, but many times, generations transpire before we find it. That is the way of the world. But each generation extracts different meanings from different situations, and, right or wrong, everyone arrives at the right conclusions at the exact moment they’re ready. How? Are you with the majority or part of the minority? In music, as in all things, a small minority might be just what we need to continue the ripple effect.