You are currently viewing W3 Prompt #55: Wea’ve Written Weekly– Metered TROUBLE-trouble!
Photo by Egor Kamelev on

W3 Prompt #55: Wea’ve Written Weekly– Metered TROUBLE-trouble!

Hello, Friends.

Welcome to another W3 Poetry Prompt, which goes live on Wednesdays at David’s
The Skeptic’s Kaddish. This week the PoW is the wonderful Punam of Paeansunpluggedblog, and her guideline is as follows.

  • Write an acrostic poem on any one of the following words:
    1. Discipline;
    2. Enthusiasm;
    3. Meditation;
    4. Tumult;
    5. Trouble.


            The temerity of the heavy heat
     Roused my fury and fired up my choler
     Opened fast the pane to let in fresco
   Under threat! Had to bid the heat adieu.
 But the centipede that had made the climb
  Laughed loud at me and said to her equal,
    "Evil eyes on this one!" Ew, nevermore!

                           © selma

Irascible! This is me when I see a centipede-

I chose to write about Trouble. The trouble the red-legged, black as mud, long
centipede couple met with for trying to steal into my abode today. It didn’t
end well for them, I tell you.

We live close to a healthy mountain. We see our good share of snakes, centipedes,
mosquitos, bugs, and the occasional wild boar and raccoon dogs. Birds aplenty, too.
And, though I’ve never seen one, owls.

I no longer kill snakes (I used to when they came too close to where my little boys
played), but these red-legged creatures for whom I don’t know what their purpose
of existence could be and why they want to get into my home–Oh! I get surly and
mean. I cannot tolerate them.

And did you know these roam in couples? When they aren’t together at the time you
spot one, be very afraid because the other one is not far behind.

Forgive the photo of that centipede, I hope you don’t see them in your area.
Thanks for reading, dear friends, and if you know why these exist (do they eat
mosquitos? That would be a great purpose), let me know, please. xoxo

Pirates image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay Thank you.
Centipede photo by Egor Kamelev on Thank you.

And if it pleases you; perhaps you like the prompt, know that anyone is welcome
to join. Hope you decide you like it.

Blessings. I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Oh no! These are the most unwelcome worms 🐛

    1. Selma Martin

      Sadje, these have legs. and fanged antennae that move in all directions. These are ugly creatures. I am disgusted by these. And they bite! the nerve… Be safe, dear one. Blessings on your day.

      1. Sadje

        I’m with you in feeling disgusted by these worms.

  2. Destiny

    what a delightful poem on not such a delightful topic… 😁

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Trying to make light of this horrid situation. Thanks for reading… xoxo

      1. Destiny

        you are so welcome and I am sorry “these things that have legs” are troubling you…but this is just too cute😁🤗(not the things with legs… you and your post)

    1. Selma Martin

      spiders, huh. They eat mosquitos and bugs and crumbs… and since I make it a point to never eat in the place I sleep, I think I do my share to keep those at bay. But those pesky long centipedes– I don’t know what they’re after inside. I appreciate your visit and comment. Truly, Selma. xoxo

      1. paeansunplugged

        Oh, my! You wrote a double acrostic for the double trouble! I don’t think they are anyone’s darlings. Love your delightful verse, Selma! Thanks for joining in. ❤️

        1. Selma Martin

          Double trouble 👿 🙌

          Always fun interacting with you. Blessings.

          1. paeansunplugged

            🙌🏼 Selma, always look forward to interacting with you and your blessings! ❤️

  3. rajkkhoja

    Delightful poem. Beautiful picture.

    1. Selma Martin

      Glad you liked the poem, Raj. It’s an acrostic poem which means the FIRST letter of every line spells the word trouble.
      And in this case, I worked hard to make the LAST letter of every line ALSO spell trouble… hehe, I am showing off. Glad you liked it.
      By the way, I left you three messages on the comment section of the post with all those photos at the beach. I don’t know why or how it happens but when you respond to photos something stops working. I’d appreciate your comments in the comments section only. Thanks so much. I bless you.

      1. rajkkhoja

        Okay don’t mind. Next time didn’t it’s. So sorry 🤔😷

    1. Selma Martin

      You had time to do that? You are amazing. Thanks, but still, I don’t ‘understand’ their wish to enter where they’re not appreciated. I don’t have as much repulsion for the ‘daddy long legs’ Those I can tolerate. Don’t know their purpose but I know they don’t bite. These ugly rascals bite and are most active at night. Anyway, thanks so much for researching this for me. I bless you.

  4. Bridgette

    Creepy! I’d smack them down too. No thank you.

    1. Selma Martin

      What a nuisance those creatures are. They bring out the worst in me. yuck!

  5. Tanmay Philip

    Double trouble. Nicely done.

    Ugh, I hate centipedes. They are always hiding somewhere I don’t expect.

  6. Belladonna

    Beautiful poem on something that makes me itch!

  7. Colleen M. Chesebro

    OH YIKES! Centipedes scare the, you know what, out of me! I’ve not seen them here in Michigan, although like you, we have all sorts of strange bugs and critters. Huge hugs to you Selma. 💖

    1. Selma Martin

      It seems they have a purpose to exist— 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😳 but I wish they didn’t try to enter my space. Right?!

      Hugs to you my friend. Hope you never see them.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, JYP. happy to know. Be well. Bless you. XoXo

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