A Shadorma Sequence To Enrapt You In Splendor
A shadorma sequence on the topic of strength (physical, emotional, mental, ethical, or of character…) FOR YOU!
July 13, 2023
A shadorma sequence on the topic of strength (physical, emotional, mental, ethical, or of character…) FOR YOU!
Did you ever own a pair of knee-high socks with pompoms? Did you ever wear them with the pompoms rubbing on the inside of your knees? How did you walk then? That's the poem I present you today. Hope you enjoy it AND the announcement. Let me know.
Selma's into poetry -- syllabic poetry! The forms I've chosen to share with you today feel as relaxing as when I'm with a knitting needle, counting stitches. That's what makes this form fun to write. I hope you enjoy them.