The North Wind, Mark The Date
Spring is right around the corner, folks. Let me tell you about a good sign that at first felt like a calamitous portend...
Spring is right around the corner, folks. Let me tell you about a good sign that at first felt like a calamitous portend...
An Acrostic Poem for every season. Thanks, Diana.
The Moons of Autumn: A Word Craft Journal of Syllabic Verse Edited by Colleen M. Chesebro and Jules Paige Published on September 28, 2021
“Preventing window collisions isn’t rocket science; turn off lights at night, make windows on lower floors bird-friendly.” ~ Melissa Breyer
Help me to keep the Love and the Peace in my Heart and to make that Love a new way of life, that I may live in Love the rest of my life. Amen.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz
The last day of August—at last! Gratitude for all the seasons. BTW, at the time of scheduling this post, we got precious rain in buckets full. Phew... Thank you , August.
This week at Colleen's Tanka Tuesday they're talking about Autumn. Oh MY!How wonderful that sounds... here, no signs of that being remotely so. As far as I can tell, nothing…
And this Mama Bear will be retreating to her den shortly. I just couldn’t help myself about this prompt. Next thing I know, I’m creating a post on my phone. Hope you enjoy it. And—happy holidays.
My soul is wedded to this season and I sit in contemplation sleep is sweet and satisfying my awake time spent in zion When else can you feel the crisp air of mornings then at noon an Indian summer…
Rose of Sharon dropsand the crickets grow quietin the moonlit night Concerns over rainno one sees Burchell’s Coucal — fluting comes his call © “October knew, of course, that the action…
Are you inconvenienced by the Indian summer refusing to leave? The whole situation has Summer Faery pouting. She's waiting on the one lone warm day that's to report to duty: it's gone astray! This is a Public Announcement.
At the end of Summer like at the end of Winter, the old season tries hard to keep a presence. But in the end the old has to make way for the new. Give up the crown, so to speak. I love the lovely exchange. But I really like my October to feel like October from the get go...