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Mushroom Elf- Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay 

Repost: The Naive “Indian Summer Rookie” That’s Gone Astray

To be “gone astray” means to be lost or stolen. If you’re hiding the rookie, please do
us all a favor: Summer’s over, let it go so that Southern Hemisphere can have theirs!

First published on September 2021 as
The Lone Indian Summer Rookie and The Fairy #quadrille #dVerse

Today's fluence 
confuses me 
my peers, truant 
where could they be? 
It was such fun 
under the sun 
which roam leads home? 

Blue disarray 
compounds the night 
too cold to sleep 
while one's astray. 
Where lingers it? 
Time to reshift 
hate to be late.


Alternate recitations by a warm day that hid so well (or are YOU holding it captive?)
and a summer faery whose job is to see that all warm days follow her to Australia.

All but one is missing–one that Faery imagines someone coaxed into their room.
Poor little warm rookie, it can’t stay hidden for much longer as it doesn’t own a coat
and doesn’t know the way back home. Plus, Faery’s toes are freezing.

“What inconvenience,” Faery says, pouting as she pulls an all-nighter, waiting for
the little warm day to return so they can swiftly go.

And for those of us in the northern hemisphere still experiencing summer-like or an
Indian summer, THIS is the reason why: one rookie is hiding somewhere!

This fantasy piece, borne from the photo, WAS crafted for “dVerse’s Quadrille #136:
Let’s Linger for Monday, September 20th. Thanks, Linda and all.”

My recent talk with Robbie about it being
still very hot where she resides prompted me
to repost this public announcement.

In her comment, Robbie mentioned a heat wave! Oh my…


Mushroom elf photo: Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

Thanks for reading, everyone.
May October feel like October wherever you reside.
I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 32 Comments

  1. rajkkhoja

    What a interesting. Indian summer rookie & the Faire. In lovely wards wrote. I like. Nice to it😍👌

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww, you ♥️ thanks. Glad you liked that fantasy piece. I’ll write more like it. 😉

      1. rajkkhoja

        Thanks lot! Selma,
        So. ….yes , why not?💕

  2. Daphny Aqua

    I loved this Selma, short and simple but so much fun to read ❣️😊

  3. Selma Martin

    Glad you thought so, Daphny. It was a fun write. Whimsical and fun 🤩 thanks for reading.

  4. anotherkatewilson

    Love it! I think the summer fairy is doing her job, it was a lovely mild spring day here in south east Australia 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Yes! Glad she did. All is well with the world, then. Stay sweet, Kate. Good night.

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, Linda. So glad you found it delightful. Your prompt brought that out. What joy. Thanks so much.

  5. Ingrid

    I love this little snippet of fantasy, Selma: a fun quadrille!

    1. Selma Martin

      Hehe. Yes. It came out quite nice (if I may say so myself) and I’m thrilled you found it a fun read. And May I inform you that the fairy did take that lovely day on time to Australia. I got confirmation. 😉 🙃 > Australia 💕

      1. Ingrid

        Well, that’s fantastic news! 🧚‍♀️

    1. Selma Martin

      I’ll curtsy and take the compliment. Thanks so kindly for reading. I appreciate you. Be well. Blessings.

  6. Sadje

    What a fun poem Selma 💖

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m delighted you found it to your liking, dearest one.
      FYI dear Sadje, I’ll be on a brief hiatus—Not sure for how long. I’ve been on the go for a while and now find the need to recharge: Regroup with my little self.
      But “I’ll be back!”
      Will be doing more reading.
      See you around my sweet Sadje.
      🤗 💗 🤗

      1. Sadje

        Enjoy your break my dear friend. 😍😍😍

    1. Thattamma C.G Menon

      And the Indian summer Rookie so much loving Repost dear friend 🌹🙏👌✍️
      Thank you so much for sharing and a beautiful week ahead 👏🍁💕

      1. Selma Martin

        You too, enjoy a lovely week whatever you do. Xoxo 😘 🤗

        1. Thattamma C.G Menon

          Yes, Thank you so much for this lovely reply message my friend 🌹🙏💗God Bless 👏

    2. Selma Martin

      You liked it, I see. You have a lovely heart. Thanks so much, dear Thattamma. Hope you’re getting good weather and lovely sunsets. Bless you. Xoxo 🤗

      1. Thattamma C.G Menon

        Here heavily raining 🌧 You are most welcome 🙏 and graceful wishes my dear friend 🌹🙏💗🥰🌹

  7. Suzette Benjamin

    Wonderful poetry, Selma. Love the word choices where one word flows into the other… exquisite!!

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Suzette. I’m delighted you saw that interchange with with words. Blessings on your week. Xoxo 🤗

  8. Belladonna

    What a great poem, and geesh is it still the hot? I’m so ready for the cooler temperatures.

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