Read more about the article Eager & Hope #SynonymsOnly week #TankaTuesday
Like Alice: Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay

Eager & Hope #SynonymsOnly week #TankaTuesday

Selma's into poetry -- syllabic poetry! The forms I've chosen to share with you today feel as relaxing as when I'm with a knitting needle, counting stitches. That's what makes this form fun to write. I hope you enjoy them.

Read more about the article There’s Only One Way to Get Out of the Gutter
Image by montemari from Pixabay

There’s Only One Way to Get Out of the Gutter

Lessons come to us from everywhere. Having my head in books often, the universe sends me messages from within books. Today I wish to tell you of a quote I happened upon, and how my interest in that quote opened me to receive the insightful explanation of Dr. Dyer, the author of Being in Balance. "It is not a secret," he said, "and we don’t need to wait for an invitation to participate, for in balancing the vision with the thought, we begin to co-create our lives."  Deep. All this from a quote that spoke about being in the gutter. 

Read more about the article Pay It Forward
Warm heart - Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

Pay It Forward

Blessed be the season. For someone who grew up with very little material possessions, and for who 'the smell of apples' still brings memories of Christmas, the carols, quotes, and poems continue to be an integral part of 'The Season.' Enjoy a selection of quotes that speak to me. Blessings on your quiet celebrations. Pay it forward.

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I Want Magic

... and the cursor flickers in tune with my heartbeat.      "It doesn't matter where you're going, it's who you have beside you." -- Anonymous I've abandoned you, I…