Read more about the article Loveliest Of Trees, The Cherry Now
Image: WP-- Openverse. (Free cherry blossom image). Thank you.

Loveliest Of Trees, The Cherry Now

My source: Poetry Foundation A Shropshire Lad  2:Loveliest of trees, the cherry now BY A. E. HOUSMAN Loveliest of trees, the cherry nowIs hung with bloom along the bough,And stands about…

Read more about the article A Poem: Poem by Jorie Graham—Poetry Foundation
Openverse Image: Anthology of Persian Poetry

A Poem: Poem by Jorie Graham—Poetry Foundation

Poem BY JORIE GRAHAM The earth saidremember me.The earth saiddon’t let go, said it one daywhen I wasaccidentallylistening, I heard it, I felt itlike temperature,all said in awhisper—build to- morrow, make…

Read more about the article Dorothy Parker’s Song In A Minor Key
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Dorothy Parker’s Song In A Minor Key

Ms. Dorothy was a premie, like me... and I think there's nothing minor about that. And having celebrated my 60th birthday recently, I feel a kinship to this great woman. Please read the poem, but most importantly, please read the short profile of Ms. Dorothy Parker.