You are currently viewing A Poem: Poem by Jorie Graham—Poetry Foundation
Openverse Image: Anthology of Persian Poetry

A Poem: Poem by Jorie Graham—Poetry Foundation



The earth said
remember me.
The earth said
don’t let go,

said it one day
when I was
listening, I

heard it, I felt it
like temperature,
all said in a
whisper—build to-

morrow, make right be-
fall, you are not
free, other scenes
are not taking

place, time is not filled,
time is not late, there is
a thing the emptiness
needs as you need

emptiness, it
shrinks from light again &
again, although all things
are present, a

fact a day a
bird that warps the
arithmetic of per-
fection with its

arc, passing again &
again in the evening
air, in the pre-
vailing wind, making no

mistake—yr in-
difference is yr
principal beauty
the mind says all the

time—I hear it—I
hear it every-
where. The earth
said remember

me. I am the
earth it said. Re-
member me.

Source: Poetry (January 2020)

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. D.L. Finn, Author

    Goregous! Xo

      1. D.L. Finn, Author


  2. writerravenclaw

    Brilliant, if the earth could talk we should not ignore the warnings.

    1. Selma Martin

      We should strive to be in tune with Earth. And listen. Thanks Heather.

  3. rajkkhoja

    The great poem. Nice words for Earth. Tribute to our Earth.

  4. Dawn Pisturino

    I love this poem and the Islamic artwork accompanying it.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for noticing. Yes. Islamic. Bless you. Thanks for appreciating the post. Xo

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