Read more about the article Reblog: For This is How Winter Peacefully Slides Away
A Sleeping Boreas Image by djedj from Pixabay

Reblog: For This is How Winter Peacefully Slides Away

Winter is a spent, tired old man, that has gone without sleep for a whole season. Then there come a vibrant, radiant Spring; she intoxicates the old man, sends him to sleep with a dream in his heart. And ever so slowly, the enfeebled season slips away peacefully. What we get after that is delicious fecundity of fertility and lush-- in other words, spring. Finally!

Read more about the article You Are Here With Good Reasons to Celebrate
Image by makunin from Pixabay

You Are Here With Good Reasons to Celebrate

Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most outstanding American Scholars, bestowed on us words of wisdom. Have you thought of him recently? To fully accept his words, one needs to untangle from fear, discard what's not working, and with an open heart, stretched to its fullest, understand why everyone has a good reason to celebrate today.

Read more about the article How To Face the Morning With Zest
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

How To Face the Morning With Zest

The way you end your day  is the first step for feeling energized, capable, productive, focused, and creative the following day. I enjoyed researching this one for you, so let me tell you what I found out. Let's add value to your mornings.

Read more about the article The Couple that Took Shelter in my Yard 
Image by Thomas Weichel from Pixabay

The Couple that Took Shelter in my Yard 

Today, we saw the sun. And in my yard, I saw two snakes taking a shortcut through my yard. Oh my!  Here's a poem about those cheeky snakes that stopped me in my track. How do you feel about snakes? I'm not a fan, they scare the daylights out of me,  but I let them be. I hope these two find a home somewhere else. Right?