a true story-essay of awe and divinity
When you carry a story of hope and resilience in your heart, you want to share it with others.
When you carry a story of hope and resilience in your heart, you want to share it with others.
it will be the month of miracles, so get ready to fall into bliss.
Little bell, Had you not beckoned to my senses To take this moment from the present This day would have passed me unawares And not been quite so transcendental...
Mom's lovely words still float me every October & keep me afloat through the year. In time, I'll be closer to where my higher power resides. A short essay.
No words, just wonderment... "Where flowers bloom so does hope."~ Lady Bird Johnson Quote.
Miracles enclose us in a life of abundance. They are ordinary and real. All we gotta do is believe in them. And if you're still in need of one today, I wish you miracles.
Take my current circumstances for example. Up until a few days ago, people loved me; today I feel that I’m their target. Up until a few days ago, I felt I was so-so, not bad -- an okay Writer. Today I feel like I’m a fraud, a failure. ... I was feeling rotten therefore I saw things muddled through my already muddled lenses. I was a stinking dead fish.
I see where you're coming from. Yesterday people loved you; today, you're their target. Yesterday everything was going smoothly; today, kaboom... We're the same, you and I. But, there's 'something' you can do about it, and you have total control over this. It begins with a lesson and a mind shift. After this, you'll love your life, be deserving of miracles and embrace your life.