Cut! Cut Out The Bad Incidents of The First Two Days of The New Year
Written for Colleen for 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 15, 1/2/24,Part I, Early Cold (January 5 – 20) Shokan 小寒 The first two days of the year have not been…
Written for Colleen for 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, No. 15, 1/2/24,Part I, Early Cold (January 5 – 20) Shokan 小寒 The first two days of the year have not been…
The lighthouse guides no one it seemswhen it is the sun’s shift to shineit only comes alive at twilightwhen eyes cannot define. But what happens when a lighthouse dies,and the…
"When the gales of coming winteroutside your window howl,When the air is sharp and cheeryso it drives away your scowl,When one's appetite craves turkeyand will have no other fowl,It's Thanksgiving…
Friends, one poem from In The Shadow Of Rainbows has been published at Masticadores USA. I'm honored and want to invite you to read it and also give you a writers lift on this lovely online publication.
I'm a fan of Langston Hughes and had my mind set on lines from one of hispoems for my recent book of poetry, but that couldn't happen. As I participatein…
“Challenges are gifts that force usto search for a new center of gravity.Don’t fight them. Just finda new way to stand.” ~ Oprah Winfrey I sat with the interview of…
This is my letter to the WorldThat never wrote to Me—The simple News that Nature told—With tender Majesty Her Message is committedTo Hands I cannot see—For love of Her—Sweet—countrymen—Judge tenderly—of…
A merry poem about autumn by Paul Laurence Dunbar. Please enjoy.
With bitter regret, mine heart’s been laden Since Hallowmas when thou our bed-vow broke And now perjured be roam I loath-burdened Waiting for the day this prank I do choke…
Another book that will put you in a good place as it’s a good reminder of the goodness in the world— yes, even in the world we live today. Honest, guys. Another good book. Take a look.
Fusion: Poems of Life by Balroop SinghCalming, and restorative Poetry for the soulReviewed on October 11th on Amazonand October 18th on Goodreads* A book dedicated to all poetry lovers is…
Exciting News: Earthly Days is available for preorder on Amazon in softcover. Yay! What follows is my Review of this wonderful poetry collection that will help you recall your own treasures... “We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.”~ Thornton Wilder