You are currently viewing just listen! what are you grateful for right now?
Canva by Author/Quote: Knut Hamsun

just listen! what are you grateful for right now?

“I give thanks for the solitary night,
for the mountains, for the roar of the darkness
and the sea that echoes in my own heart!
I give thanks for my life, for my breath, for the grace
of being alive tonight;
for that, I give thanks in my heart!
Listen to the east and listen to the west, just listen!
It’s God eternal!
The stillness murmuring in my ear is Nature’s seething blood,
God transfusing me and the world.
I see a shiny gossamer thread in the light of my fire,
I hear a rowboat moving in the harbor, while the aurora
glides up the northern sky.
And oh, how thankful I am,
by my immortal soul, that it is I who am sitting here!”
~ Knut Hamsun at BukRat Quote

Bare tree adorned with crochet art
Author’s album, December 2021
Thanks for reading and commenting.
I wish you a stress-free rest-of-December:
full of gratitude and giving,
merriment and enlightenment.
To you who celebrate Christmas,
Happy Fourth Advent.
Merry Christmas, Happy Christmas, Happy Holidays.
To you who celebrate 
Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice,
and the new secular HumanLight
Happy/Super/Joyous Celebrations
on the last month of the year.
And I wish you
Thank you for being here with me. 

p.s. Dear friends, blogger friends, and pen-pals thank you. You’ve made
my blogging year complete, and I cannot thank you enough. Your comments
and encouragement are the highlights of every post. I bless you.

After my last post on Christmas Eve, I’ll be taking a short break but
will be back and hope to see you here at selmamartin in the new year.

Our greatest challenge today is to witness the injustice and not let it consume
our inner light. And to still find something to be grateful for.
For that, we must sit still and listen.

What do you hear when you ‘just listen?’

Selma Martin
Follow me

This Post Has 30 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, so much Jenn. Stay sweet. Sending you good vibes and fairy dust 😀 happy holidays 💕 🎄

  1. Anonymous

    Selma, just want to wish you Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas with much love!

    1. Selma Martin

      Randy. Warms my heart to receive this message from you. Thanks for the support, dear friend. You rock!
      I wish you Happy Holidays too, Randy. And likewise, joy and love and serenity in the new year.
      Merry Christmas 🎄

  2. WildChild47

    Happy Holidays dear sweet Selma – to you and your family – and may you always find time to listen, to let the silence fill you with light, love and peace. Be safe this season and I have to ask – what are those curious “puff balls” in the trees? They look rather colourful and bright and cheery!

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. And to you as well, my lovely. May the light continue to shine brightly for the rest of the year and May it last long into the new year.
      😆 those puff balls. That’s exactly what they are.
      Warm colorful hand knitted by the ladies in the neighborhood.
      This is a big Cherry tree (Sakura) in the small square. Other years they’ve knitted the trunk to keep it warm in appreciation for the shade it provides besides the beauty.
      The cheery balls are gorgeous. Had to share with you.
      Be well.
      If I had a River and knew how to ice skate, I’d come deliver a warm hug just at this moment.
      Perhaps I’d make it to you by Christmas.
      Anyway, seeing as I cannot skate and don’t have a frozen-over river I cannot come. 🤣 🛼🛷 so this message will have to do: Thank you for the support. Merry Christmas 🎄 Happy New Year 🥳 👏

      1. WildChild47

        Ah the Yarn Bombers! Totally cool! 😀 (I knit) … actually, it’s a lovely way of paying grace to the Sakura (I love the name in Japanese) it just sounds so lovely and light – filled with blossoming hope and promise! Here, we don’t have the beauty of swathes or avenues of Cherry Trees – but I was fortunate years back to travel to Vancouver and arrived (having left Montreal in late winter (March) and crossed by Canada (by land) to come to the West Coast for (early) Spring …. and wow, it was so brilliant – walking and wandering down cherry tree lined streets under their delightfully blossoming canopies… sheer heaven. Never seen or experienced anything like it. Transcendental.
        Anyhow ….. Lovely and festive idea and image. How wonderful and thank you for sharing 🙂
        Ohhh, sounds cold …. all that skating! LOL – definitely wouldn’t suggest it, but the thought is delightful. So thank you. And yes, once again – All the Absolute Best for the Holidays – Merry Christmas and now, go, be with family – and always, be safe and well …. and of course, blessings and miracles …. every day. 💕💖💕🎄🎇🎄🎁🎇

        1. Selma Martin

          Your comments fill me with joy and warmth. Yay, to all knitters (I dab a little in knitting too, but don’t have much to show for it) I think they’re a lovely bunch, knitters.
          Sakura does enhance the tenderness of the flower. It’s quite a sight to behold and I’m glad you’ve experienced it. Just lovely. This year, in honor of my son’s spring ‘marriage’ we planted a Sakura in our yard. Looking to raise the tree to adulthood.
          You’re right, all that skating could be detrimental…
          Continue to enjoy the holidays in safety. I bless you and know the miracles are coming (because I have the wish on repeat *smile*) xoxo

  3. Jules

    May the light in our hearts be the beacon of love that transforms shadows into clear visons of gratefulness.
    Have a wonderful time with your family – ‘See’ you in the New Year.

    Check your email for a fun surprise – another fractured fairy tale 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Thank you thank you thank you.
      I bless you. Gorgeous. See you in the new year, Jules. xoxoxoxo

  4. JoAnna

    Thanks for reminding me how much I have to be grateful for. It’s so healing.

    1. Selma Martin

      Always a pleasure, though I’m sure you and gratitude are one already. I see you. Your posts tell me so.
      Anyway, just in case you ever run short, I’m here to remind, my lovely friend. I bless you. Merry Joyous Peaceful Christmas 🎄

      1. JoAnna

        Thank you. 🙂 Merry Joyous Peaceful Christmas!

  5. Ingrid

    Beautiful, Selma! Life becomes something wonderful in the light of gratitude! ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Precisely. Let’s all start counting our blessings. The road ahead will be brighter.
      I know you’re on a break so thanks for the visit, Ingrid. Blessings. 🎄

    1. Selma Martin

      Likewise, Jeff. And Happy Holidays to you and yours. 👏 🎄

  6. Nope, Not Pam

    It says it all, doesn’t it?

    1. Selma Martin

      I thought so, yes. So glad you saw it too. All the best, my friend. 💕 👏

  7. bodypositivefemme

    I wish you the happiest of holidays Dear Selma.
    May blessings overflow for you🌻🌻

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, sweet one. May blessings abound to the point of overflowing. What a beautiful image.
      Overflow and cover the world 👏
      Happy Holidays. 🎄

  8. Suzanne

    A lovely post Selma. Blessings to you over the holiday season.

  9. rajkkhoja

    I wish you the happiest holiday, Christmas my best friend Selma. Lovely post. Always Light in life.✍️♥️🌷🙏!

    1. Selma Martin

      Raj, I bless you. What a lovely wish, my friend. I wish you the same: may there be light and love and friendship and magic and miracles every day. Stay lovely. Happy New Year and Merry Christmas *smile* xo

      1. rajkkhoja

        Thank you so my my dear friend. I am so glad too your lovely wish me.♥️🌷light & love stay everyday.

      1. Jane Aguiar

        Most welcome dear Selma 🤗 happy holidays 🥰 xoxo

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