You are currently viewing Image of Wivenhoe Park by John Constable for Tanka Tuesday, Challenge No. 330 and 331
Wivenhoe Park, Essex, 1816: Artist – John Constable for Tanka Tuesday No. 330, July 25, 2023

Image of Wivenhoe Park by John Constable for Tanka Tuesday, Challenge No. 330 and 331

This week, using the (MAIN) painting as your inspiration, please write either a
syllabic poetry form or a freestyle poem, including a syllabic form (both on the
same post).

“Ekphrastic poems exist to respond to a piece of art critically, analytically,
and reverentially.”

Ekphrastic poetry explained

Written for Tanka Tuesday ekphrastic syllabic, #330, 7/25/23
and for the synonyms only week #331, for 8/1/23. (Please scroll)

I’ve chosen a Sedoka. A Sedoka is an unrhymed Japanese poetic form of
two three-line katauta, with the syllable count as 5/7/7, 5/7/7.
A pair of katauta is a single poem.


Counting what they see
through puffy curtains, birds fly:
swans, people, and busy cows

And when the rains come,
with gratitude to the birds 
swans, people, and cows will sing

© Selma

At the time of writing this poem, I missed hearing the birds, and all I could
think was how hot it was and how a good downpour would do us wonders.
I reasoned that the birds were taunting the clouds, angering them with
boisterous calls until puffy-cheeked and tired, they rolled out some rain.
It was a good scenario as we promptly got rain, lightning, and thunder.
The temperature fell, the birds returned, and summer received a hooray from me.

But then, I forgot to publish the poem. I know I’m late, but not one to waste words
on purpose, I will publish one week later, regardless.

Wivenhoe Park, Essex, 1816: Artist – John Constable for Tanka Tuesday No. 330, July 25, 2023
Wivenhoe Park, Essex, 1816: Artist – John Constable
for Tanka Tuesday No. 330, July 25, 2023

For Synonyms Only week, we are prompted to choose two synonyms to replace
the two words provided. 

Flow & Wave

…and so, here’s another Sedoka for this week’s prompt.


Recalls resurface
of cool scenes from long ago
and beckon me just to be

For in last year's clouds
memories of rain hover
to sustain me this summer

© Selma

Thank you for reading my efforts to recycle and reuse a prompt. Blessings.
May your summer be memorable, and may the rains come to cool things down.

I wish you memories.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 42 Comments

  1. Priti

    Beautiful! Rain makes everyone happy.👏

    1. Selma Martin

      Indeed. It does. Thanks, Priti. Thanks for the visit. XoXo

        1. Selma Martin

          You are sweet, dear Priti. xoxo Stay in the shade this summer. blessings…

      1. Sadje

        You’re most welcome

  2. beth

    a joyous ode to Mother Nature

  3. Maria Michaela

    Love your imagination, Selma. Beautiful poem as well 💙

    1. Selma Martin

      Arigatou 🙇🏽‍♀️ (thanks in Japanese) 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m thrilled you liked these, dear Robbie. Thanks 😊

  4. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful rain words in poetic.
    Nice both poetic.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Raj. We got some rain. But we need more. Hope all is well with you. Stay in the shade. Please. 🏝️

      1. rajkkhoja

        Yes, right the we need too more. Yes, iam very well! And you? Yes, stay in shade. Thanks lot,Selma!

  5. Colleen M. Chesebro

    I love these Kauta, Selma. These are some of the Japanese forms we will be working with starting September 26th for the new year of #TankaTuesday. I’ll be sharing more news in September. 🧡

    1. Selma Martin

      That is wonderful, Colleen. So cool. Thanks for all you do. 🙇🏽‍♀️ 👏🏽

  6. Michele Lee

    Your soothing poems beckoned “me just to be.” Beautiful work, Selma. 🕊️

    1. Selma Martin

      Just to be— just like your lovely poems do to me. What a lovely community.
      Stay cool dear one. In the shade. XoXo

      1. Michele Lee

        You have filled my creative cup! Thank you for offering so much love and kindness in this world, through your poetry and supportive nature. 🙏🏻💗

  7. Pooja G

    Loved both the poems and so glad you got some much needed rain. I would like to think you’re right about the birds having a role in it 😉

    1. Selma Martin

      I really want to believe this. For where do they go when I cannot hear them? hehe. Be well, dear Pooja. Stay in the shade.

      1. Pooja G

        Haha, exactly what I was wondering too. Have a lovely week.

    1. Selma Martin

      Your words encourage me. Thanks most sincerely, Belladonna. Stay sweet.

  8. yvettemcalleiro

    I love both poems, Selma! I live in a place where it rains more days than not in the summer. They are fleeting, but they soak the earth while they are here. Wish I could rope some of those clouds together and send them your way.

    Yvette M Calleiro 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      Wish we could do that… Fixing this is a collective effort. Even prayers help. Thanks for your kindness. Stay in the shade and out of the rain. xoxo

  9. Gwen M. Plano

    Beautiful poems. “Memories of rain hover” — I so relate to this. 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Gwen. Memories hover. At times like these I wish for rainclouds to hover and to let it pour down on us. We need it. We got some this weekend. It surely cooled things down… I was already feeling like an old stale raisin. That’s no good! Hope its pleasant in your area. I bless you and appreciate your comments every time. Bless you for being this sweet.

  10. JoAnna

    I love seeing happy cows. Imagining them singing with the people and swans is icing on the cake. The rain will come again. Thank God for rain, birds, cows, and everyone.

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