You are currently viewing Don’t Let That Sinking Feeling Weigh You Down #CCC130
Crispina Kemp's Photo for #CCC130

Don’t Let That Sinking Feeling Weigh You Down #CCC130

That Sinking Feeling 

ask, and they will tell you
that ships are built to travel 
far and wide to distant shores
and that they float and float and float,

that thriving underwater
endurance tested, 
isolated, able-crewed--
that is the trait of subs

of ships and submarines, 
these are a given
when human and machine 
are synced

but when confronted with 
pressure or God forbid 
metal fatigue
what gives?

ships sink;
or explode 
the subs
(God protect our submariners)

what's that then they say about resilience?
Bouncebackability that never fails
and, what do they say about feathers?
Feathers will always float

unless its integrity has been violated
and its resilience repleted be
feathers, too, will succumb to pressure
like ships, like subs--
seek solace under the sea
© 2021

Asked to write with a set number of words is a big challenge I want to attain. I’ll keep trying to see how far I get.

This 128-word poem is too long for the 90-word solitudinarian prompt #208 at Rochelle Wisoff, for whom I wrote this submarine poem. (Though I’m not sure for how long these prompts run– I will learn).

In light of that, I saw another prompt– a photo prompt with what looks to me like a feather sunken in the bottom of a body of water. Therefore, I’m changing courses and making it part of that prompt. Yay! Glad to participate at Crispina Kemp’s for the Crimson’s Creative Challenge #130. What a photo! How did that feather land in there? I was intrigued.

The poem could do with one more stanza, but for the 150-word restriction, so I chose to leave it as is. You add the rest– of course, I’d bring it to a close with the way our lives are these days– for when that sinking feeling strikes. Please find an outlet for the things that weigh you down. Perhaps a writing hobby? *wink*

Anyone can join in the fun, won’t you give it a try too? And if this one moved you, won’t you leave me a comment? *wink, again*

Main photo: Crispina Kemp
Second photo: Image by wurliburli from Pixabay 

Thanks for reading.
I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. crispina kemp

    Hi Selma, I so like this. I hope you’ll continue to accept the challenges. I set no deadlines. The only thing is not to wordlimit. And I do usuall get to read them before this late in the week… but sometimes life happens.
    Happy writing. And have fun. It’s all about FUN!

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m liking this more and more. Thanks Crispína.
      I’m trying to curb my long winded sentences. Learning to use more powerful words—Mostly verbs — to do job for me. Sometimes I will need to go over the limit. I will when it lacks clarity for sure. You’re sweet.
      And you’re busy.
      Don’t worry about rushing to me.
      I live in Japan so I’m a few hours ahead of you all, thus, I sleep when you’re most active. 😞
      My responses might come in late for the same reason too. But I’ll be here.
      Thanks for the response. Be well. I’m having fun. Love that rule. I wish you miracles.

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