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Day20 Glo/NaPoWriMo: Anthropomorphism–I Don’t Know About That Cake. Do You?

Day Twenty

on APRIL 20, 2022

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Hello, everyone. I’m finding it hard to believe, myself, but as of today, we are two-thirds of the way through Na/GloPoWriMo 2022.
And now for today’s (optional) prompt. Today, I’d like to challenge you to write
a poem that anthropomorphizes a kind of food. It could be a favorite food of
yours, or maybe one you feel conflicted about. I feel conflicted about
Black Forest Cake, for example. It always looks so pretty in a bakery window,
and I want to like the combination of cherries and chocolate . . . but I don’t.

But how does the cake feel about it?
But how does the cake feel about it?

Well, I can’t tell you how the cake feels
but tell I can of the prostrate Plate
who came this close to suffocating
under fatigue of delinquent weight.

Plate knew this cake, like forest carpets
roils rich chocolate, silk tiers piled high;
between which nuzzle pitted cherries,
maraschinos—in sweet liqueur steeped
add volume in sugary grammage.

And when it came to whipped cream frosting
people tended to annihilate
hence that black cake that was too heavy,
like a tortilla flattened Plate’s face.

With every slice, the cake gets lighter
and the knife scratches a nagging itch
then a gap affords it a breather
to wiggle its nose or blink or wink.

But this one, bought by Lady Maureen
sat unattended day after day
and of the cake, only the dark shards
seemed to have disappeared fast before
the whole black forest cake wed the trash.

© 2022 

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Thanks for reading my contribution to Anthropomorphism.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 42 Comments

  1. Harmony Kent

    You’ve made me hungry! 🤣 Love this, Selma 💕🙂

  2. Kathryn LeRoy

    I think I know how that plate must feel. My daughter made the most delicious chocolate cake for Easter–laden with moose and decadent chocolate icing. My scale now knows the weight of that cake, too. Lovely!

    1. Selma Martin

      Hehe. Decadent, heh! It tastes so delicious when someone you love makes these. Hehe. Love this comment. XoXo

  3. Ruth Klein

    Enjoyable read!

  4. Ingrid

    It would not have gone into the trash in my house! 😅💖

    1. Selma Martin

      So true of mine too. Never in the trash. That would have defrocked the priest in my hometown and made me feel like a sinner. For sure. For sure. Yummy 🤤

      1. Ingrid

        Haha – good one Selma 🤣

  5. michnavs

    This is so fun to read Selma..❤

    1. Selma Martin

      Right? They’re too much for their own good. Haha. *licks her fingers* thanks for the comment, K 💗

  6. radhikasreflection

    Eating it would have gone to my waist and trashing it would be a waste 😃 enjoyed reading this fun poem Selma!!

  7. lynn__

    LOL…poor Plate! I prefer my homemade angel food cake served with lemon glaze and raspberries 😉

    1. Selma Martin

      Poor plate indeed. Angel food cake sounds light and fluffy. How delicious. Thanks, Lynn. xoxo

  8. Romana Iorga

    Gosh, I’m salivating profusely while reading this!😍

    1. Selma Martin

      And did you see the photo in the link? Decadent! Those things should be banned— NOT! Haha. Delinquency! Thanks for the comment. Glad for this reaction. Xo

      1. Romana Iorga

        I love black forest cake. If it’s banned, I might have to smuggle it.

  9. Michele Lee

    Selma, there are so many layers to this! (puns are fun) I was pulled in by your first stanza and never left. Well done!

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m so glad I held your interest. You’re lovely. I just read little secret. Adored. Love the encouragement. Xoxo

  10. paeansunplugged

    Ah, the poor plate! Was it complaining because it wanted the cake for herself! Lol
    Love it, Selma! ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Could be. But first she wanted it off her face. Haha. Thanks for reading. XoXo

  11. JoAnna

    My mom who grew up during the “Great Depression” used to say, “We don’t throw away food.” That goes double for chocolate cake. Sometimes the freezer works to keep me from over-indulging.

    1. Selma Martin

      Like I said to Ingrid, I’d never do something like that: it would defrock my homegrown priest and make a sinner out of me.
      Food is precious. 😉 your mom taught you well. XoXo

      1. JoAnna

        Thanks. It’s fun to be creative with leftovers, too. 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      😜 chocolate, perhaps?! Hard to resist. Happy writing Jeff. Your poetry rocks and suits me every time. I probably don’t say it often enough, but now you know. XoXo

      1. Jeff Flesch

        Yeeeessss, please. Chocolate cake is the best. Indeed, it is hard to resist. Awww, thank you, Selma. I’m honored. Reading you is always a delight. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Hehe 😜 the plate. P(a)lat(t)e. You rock, Ma’am 💗

  12. Nope, Not Pam

    Great poem Selma, my sympathies to the plate 😊

  13. Daphny Aqua

    I want to eat a cake after reading this haha… Beautiful piece ❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Thanks, my sweet. I appreciate the comment. xoxo

  14. Sunra Rainz

    And now my mouth is watering! What a delicious write, Selma <3 nomnom

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