I Know Where The Years Go
May: oh how quickly, oh how quickly—and now May is almost over too!
May: oh how quickly, oh how quickly—and now May is almost over too!
I saw this dVerse prompt posted by Grace the other day and thought ofparticipating. But the Linky expired two days ago. I post it for your enjoyment and warm delight…
Written for Dora, the host for poetics at dVerse this week. I stayed up yearning through the night.giving prominence to your charmsthe way your steps remind that youare used to…
The W3 Poetry Prompt goes live on Wednesdays at The Skeptic’s Kaddish and submissions are open for 5 days, until Monday, May 20, 10:00 AM (GMT+2). Please click the following link for a full explanation…
Image ©️ Colleen Chesebro The Beginning of Summer, (May 5-19) Rikka 立夏 Welcome to the 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry challenge for #TankaTuesday! This week for #TankaTuesday we’re in the second…
Written for Sadje of the Keep It Alive Website https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/2024/05/13/what-do-you-see-238-may-13-2024 I Will Go With The Imposter When he comes uninvited and hungry assuredly and as endorsed as Godto take me…
Written after Colleen’s invitation: Your syllabic poetry writing invitation is to choose a kigo word or phrase from theseasonal kigo list on the post below. You can select from the summer category forthe…
This post is written for Sadje for the WDYS prompt.Please visit the Keep it Alive Website. https://lifeafter50forwomen.com/2024/05/06/what-do-you-see-237-may-6-2024 Sadje says: For the visually challenged reader, this image shows a giant femalefigure…
This week’s W3 is now live, pardners 😉 and it’s hosted by our wonderful PunamSharma! https://skepticskaddish.com/2024/05/08/w3-prompt-106-weave-written-weekly Please click on the link. This week the challenge is to write a Palindrome…
Written for Colleen: https://tankatuesday.com/2024/04/30/24-seasons-syllabic-poetry-challenge-no-32-4-30-24-part-ii-grain-rain-april-19-may-4-koku-%e7%a9%80%e9%9b%a8 Colleen says: Your writing invitation is to experiment with the renga form.Here’s how to write renga: Renga or Renku features alternating stanzas, usually of 5-7-5 and…
Written for Val at A Different Perspective: https://murisopsis.wordpress.com/2024/03/29/looking-at-poems-around-the-world https://murisopsis.wordpress.com/author/murisopsis/ For Day 30. Philippines: Tanaga – A Filipino form, composed of 4 lines with 7 syllables per line and writtenas a…