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I Know Where The Years Go

days of spring cleaning 
making space for more accounts
how fast pass the years

I sit clearing out old drawers from things of yesterday—the pictures you sketched and letters for me of everything that mattered then—when I happen upon old photos I snapped of you, your hand, your hair, your socks, your back. I’m considering if I should keep them: even without looking at them, those ordinary shots nobody else has still live in the old scrapbook inside my head.

I blinked only once
two young men hold firm my hands
midday moon in May

© selma


Haibun written for the host Frank J. Tassone, for the d’Verse Poets’ Haibun Monday poetry challenge on transience of things, mono no aware.

This week, let’s imbue our haibun with mono no aware. Write on any topic that you like (although bonus points to any choosing one related to May) as long as your haibun embodies that wistful sadness marking the beauty of transience.

New to haibun? The form consists of one to a few paragraphs of prose—usually written in the present tense—that evoke an experience and are often non-fictional/autobiographical. They may be preceded or followed by one or more haiku—nature-based, using a seasonal image—that complement without directly repeating what the prose stated.

Thanks so much for reading.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. Yvonne Osborne

    This one is full of nostalgia. Beautiful haiku. I like to get rid of stuff but old pictures are the hardest to let go.

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, Yvonne. So happy you read and liked. Thanks so much. Happy weekend.

  2. D.L. Finn, Author

    Lovely haibun, Selma 🙂

  3. rajkkhoja

    Nice written haiku!

  4. kittysverses

    A heartfelt Haibun, Selma. I enjoyed reading this. 🙂

  5. Cindy Georgakas

    lovely words felt, Selma and impressed you have time to savor💓

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading dear lady. I appreciate you. Xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Most delighted you liked this haibun. Thanks so much.

  6. Kym Gordon Moore

    Oh my goodness Selma dear, this tugged at my heartstrings. 🥰💞😍 From your boys to men, this was spot on with the transience of things theme. Beautifully expressed! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

      1. Kym Gordon Moore

        You’re so very welcome Selma. I enjoyed reading this piece! 😍💖🥰

  7. Bridgette

    What a beautiful poem, especially those last lines.

  8. Destiny

    a beautiful and touching flow, Selma 🤍🙏

  9. kim881

    A heartfelt haibun full of nostalgia, Selma, and spring cleaning! I love the phrase ‘old scrapbook inside my head’.

  10. Anonymous

    Perfect title for this haibun that brought a lump to my throat, Selma. It brings to the fore that sense of mono no aware. So beautifully wrought, my friend.

    1. Selma Martin

      Mono no aware. Yes. Thanks for mentioning. Happy you liked it. Anonymous. 🤗

  11. Cris

    This is so lovely, Selma. Enjoyed the read.

    1. Selma Martin

      Cris. Im delighted you read. Thanks so much. Blessings. Happy weekend.

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