Read more about the article A Short Prayer for The Holidays at Year’s End
Praying little girl clipart, vintage illustration vector. Free public domain CC0 image. More: View public domain image source here

A Short Prayer for The Holidays at Year’s End

May our hearts be quickened by love, May free will stir us to action so thatspiritual conception can happen.May we soon turn to our stillness withinto allow the blessings to…

Read more about the article Here’s What You Need to Give up To Be Happy
Image by kmicican from Pixabay  

Here’s What You Need to Give up To Be Happy

Are you happy? Or are you one who thinks that happiness is yet to come to you? Say, after you achieve such and such a thing? Or perhaps you feel that you are not deserving of happiness? That everyone gets a quota on happiness, and since you already experienced some once, you've already met yours. Or perhaps you feel you need to give up something -- which you're not ready to give up yet --  to get you there? Or, and this is the saddest, perhaps you're clinging on to old beliefs, sabotaging you from getting you to that happy place?  Here's the thing, you are deserving of happiness.

Read more about the article Awakening from Zerrissenheit– Life Reimagined
Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

Awakening from Zerrissenheit– Life Reimagined

Most of the time something is blocking the good vibrations from coming in. People out of vortex often feel hopeless, fearful, and annoyed. In this alphabet poem, I envisaged us all finally awakening to a reality that I wish to see in our world. All of us in the vortex. The presence of love is already sweeping away some of the hurtful things that are not of love. Soon love will be the only thing standing. That is the hope.