Flashback to Add Value– How Close Are We to World Peace?
Fandango's Flashback Friday-- May 21st I've been calling myself a blogger since February of 2017, typing away to my own drumbeat, really. Back then, I hit the publish button on…
Fandango's Flashback Friday-- May 21st I've been calling myself a blogger since February of 2017, typing away to my own drumbeat, really. Back then, I hit the publish button on…
Who needs more idleness today? No one, lest it could serve the day The sandman doth come out to play Lullaby May, lullaby May. I have a great many firsts these days,…
A Parody, or not-- anyone? Come see what I got for you today on Day 26 of NaPoWriMo.
We're nearing the end of April, the end of poetry month. I'm feeling sad already. Thanks for reading my words. I will never know all the voices that stayed long enough for me to jot things down-- all those voices that spoke through me this month already. But somewhere in the words that precede me, I know that at least one voice carried my soul. And I hope at least one squeezed your heart. Let me know which one, please. Here's my confession:
Did you ever own a pair of knee-high socks with pompoms? Did you ever wear them with the pompoms rubbing on the inside of your knees? How did you walk then? That's the poem I present you today. Hope you enjoy it AND the announcement. Let me know.
I loved the optional prompt for today. Monologues? Spoken by a person already dead? Goodness, I never knew I could do this. And what's more, I enjoyed how the words just kept coming. I've turned creepy.
Given into the serenity, I got caught in a desire to investigate-- my human foible. Glad I did for the carp's folly gifted me a smile and a memory that I recount to you in this string of senryu poems. Enjoy.
Have you ever noticed how everything around you looks ugly when you're feeling ugly and unworthy inside? Why is that? Here's a short true story that inspired a poem on one such day. Spoiler: all it took was for him to take care of 'something' that looked as ugly as he felt. Enjoy!
I was blessed to raise two little boys who are now in their twenties. I don’t do much mother-ing anymore, but the fact that I’m still a mother qualifies me to write to tell you about the greatest joy I know. I hope that by the end of the post, you come to appreciate the analogy I make, or at best, you come to understand the beauty of something I so ardently recommend. Enjoy.
Phoenix When you were still green behind the years, and self-righteous thoughts ruled, do you remember feeling like a phoenix endowed with mighty physical-strength? I know, right! But did you…
Selma's into poetry -- syllabic poetry! The forms I've chosen to share with you today feel as relaxing as when I'm with a knitting needle, counting stitches. That's what makes this form fun to write. I hope you enjoy them.