Flavor of The Day
The way it ‘seems’ to work now, you cannot view videos through the Reader—forsafety reasons. Unless you’re reading from your desktop. If on iPhone, please clickthe globe 🌎 once or…
The way it ‘seems’ to work now, you cannot view videos through the Reader—forsafety reasons. Unless you’re reading from your desktop. If on iPhone, please clickthe globe 🌎 once or…
Worst than a bad hair day, is when the pollen count explodes to record highs. I’ve been going for two days with a headache 🤕 and home remedies. Last night…
I hope you enjoy this poem that is pleasing to my ears. I wrote it as a conceit poem, but, honestly, I'm not sure it is that. Hope it's pleasing to your ears as well.
Written for the W3 Prompt #94: Wea’ve Written Weekly at The Skeptic'sKaddish--posted on February 14, 2024 by David. Congratulations to Sally of The Hot Dogs and Marmalade Website. I. The prompt poem:…
"We aspire to create a collectiveof lone voicesandmake them heard."~ Lit eZine* NOTE: Except for the enthusiasm I share and the words in the poem, mostof what I express in…
Eye roll, eye roll... but life is still grand. May I never forget!
This haiku sequence takes after the passing of the Obon season. Change must come: each turn of the road brings new thoughts and each sunrise fresh emotions ~ Unknown Thanks for reading.
Something worth sharing 👏🏽
I've been busy reading and inhaling Africa like never before and now I want to tell you about it. And if I know you're going where I want to go (as mentioned in the blog) I will be your companion. Please read to the end. xoxo
Written for Tanka Tuesday. Colleen's Prompt: Your subject of the poem must be a BIRD This week’s challenge is to write an Imayo poem. Your subject must be abouta 🦃bird!…
On the Eve of the release of In The Shadow of Rainbows... There are jitters, but there is lots of LOVE to keep me soaring in suspended animation. Thank you so much. xoxo
A friendly community of Writers helping Writers is the best feeling in the world for a Writer. Thank you so much. xoxo