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2022, February Clouds: Shepherding of Sheep

An Idyllic Day with The Little Prince

So, dear friends, last week for the life of me, I couldn’t sit long enough to write a poem. What I did, though, was walking every day. And this time tracked my progress on my phone.

I walk daily, but the thought of keeping track never crossed my mind. It’s like my weight– I do not get on that scale. I just know when I’m crossing the line. Well, maybe I
know naught.

Now, it was the wonderful Cindy G. who inspired me to walk. No, she didn’t say, keep track; I just thought I must. Anyway, I overdid it, perhaps, so I had all the words drop to my feet. And in case you wish to know, I averaged 12,000+ steps daily. OMG! Tired me out.

So today: my first silly poem for the week. It’s all I’m good for right now.

After I wrote the poem and metered it, I researched to find out what kind of poem it could be (I know, I did it backward), so now I present you with a villanelle.

The villanelle has 19 lines, split into 5 tercets (three-line stanzas) and 1 quatrain (a stanza of 4 lines). There is no fixed number of syllables for each line in a villanelle. Each of my lines has 12 syllables.



“…so that’s what the cat said,
and then ‘she’ fell on her head.”

I never wanted to deceive you yesterday. I disregarded the rhyme scheme that needs to be present when crafting a villanelle: I include the first try so you can see where I failed.

Rhyme scheme: Each tercet of a villanelle’s rhyme scheme contains an ABA rhyme scheme, except for the final stanza, which follows an ABAA rhyme scheme. I hope you enjoy it this time.

Upon rising, one look up by way of the yard,
and my mind was set: It was the sort of day sure
to please even one as pleading as The Prince, starred.

On such a day, his Little Highness would do grand
to abstain from grilling with curious allures.
'Twas a day of answers-- best to lower his guard

genteelly, couth. And like me-- dare not disregard;
surely, the perfect day to do the wash. So, moored
I employed the services of the clothes washer.

Twice it lumbered meekly to my finger's command
the sound of the beep, came not a sec premature--
the blaring sun blessed my batch of neat line-dried garbs.

At midday, shoed, ready for the walk I had earned,
the fresh wash sat idly, folded in piles. Bonjour!
At the door, empyreal blue demanded regard.

The shepherding of his majesty's sheep, unheard.
The moment he'd have asked I draw him a sheep, pure--
I'd have given one look up, saying, "Sheep? Your herd,
Little Prince." Nodding, he'd have smiled to the shepherd.

(now it's a villanelle. Methinks.)
((this one is a sore example. It needs rhyme--omg!))
Upon rising, one look up by way of the yard,
and my mind was set: It was the sort of day sure
to please even one as pleading as The Li'l Prince.

On such a day, his Little Highness would do well
to reconsider asking curious questions.
It was a day of answers, you see-- that would have

enchanted him. Such that, I strove not to waste it—
surely, the perfect day to do the wash. And so
I employed the services of the wash-robot.

Twice it lumbered meekly to my command, and in
the span of what it took to beep a second time,
the blaring sun dried my first neatly-lined garments.

At midday, shoed, ready to take us on a walk,
the fresh wash sat idly, folded in neat piles. Ahh.
At the door, the sky remained of the lovely kind.

The shepherding of his majesty's sheep, dreamy.
The moment he'd have asked me to draw him a sheep,
I'd have pointed him skyward, saying, "There's your sheep,
Little Prince." Nodding, he'd have smiled his approval.

Thanks for reading, dear friends. I wish you miracles, always. Selma, xoxo.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. DAP

    I love to walk …. every day! In 2021, I averaged 17,500 steps per day. It’s good for my heart and mind! <3

    1. Selma Martin

      Goodness, DAP, you’re amazing. 17,500? Daily… That’s a lot of steps. It’s good for your heart, for sure. And if you’ve been doing it for a while, you must be used to that many steps by now. I applaud you. All the best, dear friend.
      And I’ve corrected a big discrepancy in the Villanelle. I had a blind spot on this first try. Pointing it out just in case you wanted to give it a try and used my post as an example. Be well dear friend. I bless you.
      Today, I walked 10,000 steps. phew.

  2. Ingrid

    Delightfully dreamy, Selma! I think the walking has been good for your poetry ☁️ 🐑❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      You say nice things to me, Ingrid. Thanks. The villanelle needed more work that my general aptitude hid from me. But I’ve corrected it. Just sayin’
      Thanks for the visit, dearie. Here’s looking at you, dear friend.

  3. paeansunplugged

    What a lovely, whimsical villanelle, Selma!❤️ I think I should also be regular with my walks. 😉

    1. Selma Martin

      Yeah, Punam, dearest. The whimsy was there. The form was lacking though… good thing I went back to check. Sheesh, so much to do, so little time. Be well, sweet thing you. I wish you miracles. xoxo

  4. Cindy Georgakas

    oh my Selma..😱 I better do a disclaimer.. in my next talk.. lol! It does appear although you were tongue tied your poem is brilliant and thanks for the mention dear. Take a soak back out a little but keep it up.. Your heart will thank you!

    1. Selma Martin

      You’re a funny one, mi’Lady. Thanks. Don’t change a thing. The message is not to blame.
      As for the walk, yup, I’m not a wild boar for god sake. I’m a tiger! hehe. Thanks for putting up with me.

      I did read your post about your godson. Wow, runs in the family, this poetry business, huh? I love it. Keep it up. But the knees are not made for sitting zen-style? Don’t push it. Stay sweet. I bless you.

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        hahah. Alrighty then. Please report your progress here, I’ll send you some bands for stretching and electrolytes 🤣🤷‍♀️ You tiger are doing it and I admire your energy. Always fun to play.

        Awww such a nice comment. thanks tons and these hips apparently aren’t 😱
        I thought if I sat long enough they would open but none… you’re right and thanks dear. Happy day and crawling.. i mean walking 🤣🤗🌈🌈

  5. Nope, Not Pam

    I love your poem, a bit of whimsy to brighten our day

    1. Selma Martin

      Hello, my busy lady, thanks for stopping my way too. I’m so mesmerized by you. Wow. I bless all your endeavors. And I’m really glad this one brightened your day some. Stay lovely. I wish you miracles. Sincerely. xoxo

  6. Daphny Aqua

    Walking is always a nice thing to do but I keep lazing around but great job on your walk Selma and I love your poem. Be well. 🤗💖

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks for reading, Daphny dear. Hope you’re feeling well (about allergies) and yes, Walking is a wholesome exercise for the body and mind. Thanks for the comment. I wish you miracles.

      1. Daphny Aqua

        You’re welcome Selma! I am doin fine so far, thank you for asking. 🤗 Yes indeed I agree with you.
        I wish you miracles as well. Xoxo

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