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Week 4: Attributes to Being A Beauty-Full Person — An Espresso

What if I saved on words and wrote on two– not one– attributes to beauty this

4. Courage
5. Confidence

I am confident you’ll agree that these two complement each other and could
pass as one. Do share your thoughts on that, please.

4. Courage: We’re all aware that to become courageous, one must do courageous acts.
And we all understand that it’s not the loudness of a roar but the depth of one’s
character that represents this trait. Courage helps us in the following ways:

  • to stay the course,
  • to keep the pursuit and passion flame going
  • to feel deeply
  • to love fully
  • to change and improve
  • to dare greatly
  • to let go of excess
  • to leave when it’s too much or not worth the effort

It takes courage to do any of these. Developed with intentional effort and practice,
courage comes from having amassed (some) confidence.

5. Confidence: One must possess a modicum of assurance: Courage to go after what
one needs. And how one gets that courage is with confidence. Confidence in the
worthy essentiality of that which is desired.

  • it stems from loving oneself
  • it has roots in one’s growth process and natural development
  • it’s self-awareness that’s not pompous

I feel its roots are in one’s natural development because the process must be a
process– like a butterfly’s trajectory from caterpillar to butterfly.

Like the butterfly that nature endows with courage, one needs to grow into quiet
confidence and innate knowledge that one is ready to thrive. But not with the
misplaced confidence of a thirteen-year-old (no offense to that age group– they’re
beautiful and grow fast by the minute, but they haven’t experienced life as per se).

Life experience and inner depth teach.
Maturity and awareness provide knowledge to weigh outcomes.
Arriving at a level of growth where one can go to seek information is necessary.
A willingness to do the work is essential, too.

To be willing to dare greatly in life takes courage and confidence: attributes
essential to beauty.

“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by
every experience in which you really stop to look fear
in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived
through this horror. I can take the next thing
that comes along.’ ” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

 Espresso is the name I decided on these short morsels of wisdom I wish to share.
They’re my humble attempt at helping you feel gladdened and revitalized, and yes,
sobered like when one drinks a shot of espresso.
If espresso is not what you like to consume, think of these as opportunities for
escapades to indulge in your favorite non-alcoholic drinks. After all, it’s meant to
be a sobering moment. *wink*
Another wish is that you will share some of your short wisdom with me:
a link/pingback to your unique expressions (expressos) or espressos, or
linger long enough to enjoy a cuppa with me.

Over the weekend, I published a post where I outlined all ten attributes without elaborating much. Many of
you responded to that post [What Makes Pretty, Pretty], which I intended for the young audience of the
blogger I dedicated it to, as I mentioned in that blog post.
Now that you’ve read that, I believe we’re ready to close the subject on the ten attributes of beauty
I was fleshing out here– time to move on to a new subject. Is that ok with you? Please let me know. Thanks.

Thanks for engaging with me and my espressos. It would have been so lonely without
your visits and input. I bless you and wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Sadje

    You’re right that courage is bolstered by confidence and both are a part of beautiful character.

  2. judeitakali

    A wonderful and spiritual post. Thank you, Selma. I think that it is possible to have courage without confidence; like standing up to a bully even when you know you’re going to be crashed(whether cyber or physical or professional). However, once there’s confidence, courage is a given, so should it be called courage in this case? Maybe true courage is when confidence is low but we just go for it.

  3. Daphny Aqua

    I completely agree with you, one needs courage to be confident and confidence to be courageous they both go hand in hand.

  4. Michele Lee

    I really enjoyed reading your short morsels of wisdom, Selma. Love the concept behind the name! ☕

  5. Ellie Thompson

    I’ve really enjoyed your espressos, Selma. I particularly like your definition of courage – “And we all understand that it’s not the loudness of a roar but the depth of one’s character.” It’s a perfect way of describing that trait. I don’t think of myself as courageous or confident, but I think I’m learning to be braver as I get older. I believe that does improve as one ages. Confidence, I find somewhat more tricky. Perhaps, that, too, will come easier in time. Having said that, I’m 64 now, so I’d better get a move on 😉! Thanks for sharing again. Love Ellie xxx 🤗❤🌞💞

  6. rhamhona

    Confidence gives us courage to move forward.. Love it Selma🥰🥰❤️

  7. Cindy Georgakas

    wonderful post of having courage and confidence follows !!! 💖💖👏👏

  8. Jules

    Yes, courage and confidence go hand in hand. Others might not like our choices, but we ultimately must do what is best for the self to move forward.

    Stress can seem to take our courage and confidence. Staying calm in the face of difficulty can be a challenge. It will be perhaps months before my home is back in order. I must proceed one day at a time.

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