W3 Personification: Let Me Be Your Muse

Written for David’s Wea’ve Written Weekly, W3 Prompt #95, posted by
David on .

This week’s Poet of the Week (PoW) is Heather of Sgeoil Website and here are
the guidelines:

Humans often have opinions on most any topic. Let’s put a twist on this.
Employ personification to write a poem from the point of view of an object.
Maybe your teapot has an opinion on how you make tea or your door with all
the comings and goings? Maybe snow has something to say?

Be creative and have fun!


Personification is a type of metaphor that gives human characteristics to inanimate
objects and animals, such as emotions and behaviors.

I like this prompt. I wrote one poem for W3 a year ago that would fit right into this
prompt. I’m so proud of it, and invite you to read it, if time allows: It wasn’t half bad.

Here’s what I have for you today.

I hope you enjoyed the encouragement.
Thanks for reading.

A sculture of an animal pleading.
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Selma Martin
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This Post Has 38 Comments

  1. ben Alexander

    Jeepers, Selma! Your personification breathes life into the words, transforming them into active participants in the narrative!

    Much love,

    1. Selma Martin

      🙇🏽‍♀️ thanks. I like this comment.

  2. rajkkhoja

    Indded sound!

      1. rajkkhoja

        Welcome, Selma 😄

  3. murisopsis

    Selma you make the unpublished/unposted poem so poignant! I think you’ve written a beauty – muse and all!

  4. sgeoil

    Tucked away in the drawer, your poem had much time to contemplate. So many wonderful lines in this poem “my cherub muscles faded…August sun brought in acoustic waves…” It gives the sense of time passing and the poem’s patience.

    1. Selma Martin

      The patience of inanimate things. So glad you saw that. So happy you read 🤗

      1. sgeoil

        It was a pleasure to read, Selma.

    1. Selma Martin

      What joy to hear you say this, Cheryl. Blessings.

  5. Anonymous

    So relatable when I think of all I have written over the years that now just sit and wait…Nice job!

    1. Selma Martin

      Those written things need you to act on its behalf. Please do 🙇🏽‍♀️ The rest of us are waiting.
      Thanks for the comment Anon.

  6. Baydreamer - Lauren Scott

    I’m so glad you published the poem, Selma! This is exquisite! Well done from prose to poetry! 💖👏🏼💖

  7. Cindy Georgakas

    This is so delightful, Selma! I love it! Wonderful words to ponder❣️

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