Let’s Get More Personal: Let’s Engage Outside the Box #penpals
A riddle: What's the nicest 'thing' you can have, and the best 'thing' you can be-- even through long distances? Well, a pen pal, of course. Won't you be mine? *wink* Thanks.
A riddle: What's the nicest 'thing' you can have, and the best 'thing' you can be-- even through long distances? Well, a pen pal, of course. Won't you be mine? *wink* Thanks.
© 2021 selmamartin.com (exclusively) Show me proper courtesy if you wish to reblog this, and ask for written permission to repost. Thank you. The Moon this month, a heads-up on the eclipse next month, and sharing more about myself with you. Happy moon-gazing.
Did you know that well-preserved potpourri can last for decades? For the love of flowers, why not? Let's make potpourri and stimulate nasal appraisal.
My first Wordless Wednesday post. My first blog hopping experience. Consider joining in, friends.
Taking a fantastical wild ride with the wind like I ‘used to’ in yester-years. Come ride with me, why don’t you, as together we explore this new Zéjel form that’s a Spanish form with lovely history: Arabic influence related to the Qasida and adopted by the Spanish troubadours of 15th century. Enjoy.
Remember when we wished a Happy New Year to each other? That was nine months ago. How time flies. For the rest of the year, I pray that we remain grounded in the lessons we’ve learned already. May we use them to the best of our capabilities so that we can continue to grow. May the rest of the year be extraordinary.
Hiraeth: Nostalgia that is closer to Sehnsucht (German) and Saudade (Portuguese). Creative non-fiction. Hope you enjoy my childhood story of longing. Saudade.
Summer and Well-being: A must! But let me tell you about a green French-curly doily that's more than just decoration on your plate. You'll be healthier for it this summer.
At my local grocery story today, the buzz was on. I savored it. But then what I heard on the car radio zapped me back to the sad reality that the pandemic is still on. What sadness. Be safe everyone.
Having ordinary days. Want to reach out to you with an extraordinary piece of music that bathe me with warmth and gentle happiness today. Be well my friends.
What a lovely prompt we worked on today. I chose a William Blake poem to follow and in no time, unpretentious little words swooshed in and inundated the page. Don't you just love it when that happens? I hope this poem is worth your time.
The state-of-the-art Powerball that my vacuum cleaner was never went underappreciated. It was my faithful companion for over a decade and a half-- with not a cough, not a hiccup to berate it for. I named her Allegri, and it did what her maker promised it’d do for me-- I saw a massive change in my son's health, gave me peace of mind, and saved me money on medical bills. Tell me, wouldn't you be grateful for something like this?