At Last

At lastthe silenceswallows meweightless, I sink into the assuranceof all that isand the sunpushes through the silence,calibrates me.I feel like a clear lakereflecting the whole sky— at last, I find…

Read more about the article Consecrating The Confession of A Wannabe Poet #Day25 #etheree
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Consecrating The Confession of A Wannabe Poet #Day25 #etheree

We're nearing the end of April, the end of poetry month. I'm feeling sad already. Thanks for reading my words. I will never know all the voices that stayed long enough for me to jot things down-- all those voices that spoke through me this month already. But somewhere in the words that precede me, I know that at least one voice carried my soul. And I hope at least one squeezed your heart. Let me know which one, please. Here's my confession:

Read more about the article Do The Honorable Thing, Please – Day 5 –  #NaPoWriMo
empathy - Image by James Chan from Pixabay

Do The Honorable Thing, Please – Day 5 – #NaPoWriMo

What a lovely prompt we worked on today. I chose a William Blake poem to follow and in no time, unpretentious little words swooshed in and inundated the page. Don't you just love it when that happens? I hope this poem is worth your time.

Read more about the article Don’t Forget to Breathe
Breathe- Image by silviarita from Pixabay

Don’t Forget to Breathe

"Selma," said Mom, "don't forget to breathe." Today, I wish to tell you about a poignant piece of advice that came to me in the form of a decades-old memory. It envigorated me then and reliving it now has made me aware of the beautiful energy coursing through me--and you-- nothing short of amazing.