Buried Under Emails From Ghosts With No Verdance of Decency
This is why I want to turn things around and ask those ghosts without verdancy of decency: “What would YOU do if your mother asked YOU?”
This is why I want to turn things around and ask those ghosts without verdancy of decency: “What would YOU do if your mother asked YOU?”
There exist no goodbyes, or tears between me and my sea only cosmic see-you-later: Pontic Sea, my shepherd, you guide & renew me through the tempests and help mend my existential crises.
I dabbled in poetry all my life-- a half poet at best-- but never thought I'd be this deep in it: splashing around and loving it; creating imaginary gardens with breathing toads in them. Ah, Poetry!
Put all malice away from you. Lighten your soul with spiritual fruit: empathy, grace, and forgiveness and reverse the growth of bitterness.
Maturity is synonymous with optimism. Not the kind we experienced when we were the young ones; the kind that makes us raise a knowing eyebrow. We're ready for the change.
You know how gifted Jeff is & how enamored I am with his newly released book of poetry. Did you read my review? *wink* But are you aware he has a collaborative project? & today he is featuring one of MY poems on his website. Come see which inspired it.
The change occurring outwardly does not compare with the inward change that’s leading, making you wiser, showing you new things. Embrace it!
It is not true that midlife sneaks up on you. And it’s in everyone’s best interest to read up on this and somehow prepare for the change. It’s nothing to fear and if you let it you’ll have the added benefit of the wonderful spiritual change that comes with middle age.
There's a corollary between life and death and I attempt to express its relationship in today's poems. Hope you see what I mean. Enjoy.
Happy Autumnal Equinox, friends. Please take a moment to be reminded of something that's hard to believe, considering all our eyes see, our ears hear, and our souls feel about the world today. You'll feel better after this. Promise.
The Universe sends us lessons all the time, and messages too. I received this one to share with my audience. In the words of Jeff Foster, this is how we become warriors. Oh yes!
A nature prose poem that hopes to enhance on the sanctity of life that's conspiring to keep you safe. There is no crime--life's pledge to you; what's yours to life?