Read more about the article Do The Honorable Thing, Please – Day 5 –  #NaPoWriMo
empathy - Image by James Chan from Pixabay

Do The Honorable Thing, Please – Day 5 – #NaPoWriMo

What a lovely prompt we worked on today. I chose a William Blake poem to follow and in no time, unpretentious little words swooshed in and inundated the page. Don't you just love it when that happens? I hope this poem is worth your time.

Read more about the article How Not to Set Yourself up for a Joyless End
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

How Not to Set Yourself up for a Joyless End

We were all children once, children who gallantly morphed into adults. And in our new adult outer-shells, we became teachers and walking examples with purpose. How is it that sometimes we don't mature correctly? How is it that sometimes we become so stubborn? In this article, I attempt to show you how not to let pointless stubbornness set us up for a joyless end.

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Read more about the article One Less Lonely Teenager
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

One Less Lonely Teenager

A thought in favor of lonely, young people everywhere  A break from the ‘norm’ that’s been her pampered life with absent parents jetting to exotic places the big house to…

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Read more about the article You Are Here With Good Reasons to Celebrate
Image by makunin from Pixabay

You Are Here With Good Reasons to Celebrate

Ralph Waldo Emerson, one of the most outstanding American Scholars, bestowed on us words of wisdom. Have you thought of him recently? To fully accept his words, one needs to untangle from fear, discard what's not working, and with an open heart, stretched to its fullest, understand why everyone has a good reason to celebrate today.