What Do You See? Really…
Sadje: "Waiting for your responses." What Do You See PromptImage credit: Nickola Johnny Mirkovic @ Unsplash For the visually challenged reader, this image shows an arched veranda,where multiple pillars support a high…
Sadje: "Waiting for your responses." What Do You See PromptImage credit: Nickola Johnny Mirkovic @ Unsplash For the visually challenged reader, this image shows an arched veranda,where multiple pillars support a high…
from the hotel window I saw themstretched as far as my eyes could seehundreds covered the bay like black inkbopping up and down on the receding sea as if paused…
This man's face is the face of grief. I know because that's what my face will look like if and when I return one day to the town that raised me. Mom will not be there, and as grown up as I am, I really don't want to make that trip.
A stereo cassette deck in your car--remember those? I don't know what you'll think of this but it grounded me. Let me know in the comments, please.
The #WDYS prompt this week shows a young girl standing on a bridge, wearing a big smile and a t-shirt that says: “Future Leader”. I couldn't help writing to this lovely prompt.
Just in case you missed these interviews the first time they aired, here's a rerun. Just in case you're in need of some inspiration and encouragement, I hope these offer that. Thanks for your continued support.
This is NOT clickbait: I am made of dreams and bones and find pleasure with my dandy partner under the covers... (a little misleading, but I hope it makes you grin).
The words and other valuables you allow into your heart will live on forever. Let me know if you feel differently about this.