You are currently viewing For All Daughters: What Do You See # 200- August 21, 2023
Image credit; Kiana Bosman @ Unsplash

For All Daughters: What Do You See # 200- August 21, 2023

#WDYS: For the visually challenged reader, this picture shows a young girl of
African descent standing on a bridge, wearing a big smile and a t-shirt that
says: “Future Leader”


Before you were conceived
I conjured you
before you were of this world
you were born in me.
Fold of my flesh I carried
in my womb
when you were born I was
ready for you.
I’m rejuvenated
with the miracle of you—
no one belongs here
more than you do.


It’s been a while since I participated in a #WDYS challenge. The photo called
to me, and I hope you’re inspired to write to this prompt too.

Sadje’s rules:

  • You can write a post on your blog and create a pingback to link to the
    original post.
  • Write an original story, poem, or a caption.
  • There is no limit to words or format, but keep it family-friendly.
  • If you post a response before next Sunday, I will be able to add it to my
    roundup post.
  • I will do a round-up next Sunday before the next Prompt is posted.
  • It is always helpful if you can give your post/story/poem a title.
  • There are issues with pingbacks in WordPress these days. So please paste
    a link of your post in the comments section so that I don’t miss anyone in
    the roundup post.

Please tag your responses with #Whatdoyousee Or #WDYS


Selma Martin
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This Post Has 40 Comments

  1. sgeoil

    Nice take on the prompt.

    1. Selma Martin

      Hey, thanks so much. I really appreciate you saying. xoxo

  2. michnavs

    A beautiful and endearing poem Selma❤️

    1. Selma Martin

      Hiya, Mich… Howdy. Howdy. Thanks. Thanks. I appreciate you reading and finding it beautiful. Bless you. Bless you *wink*

  3. michnavs

    A beautiful and endearing poem Selma.

  4. Sadje

    A beautiful poem Selma. Love how you’ve empowered the women/ girls. Thanks for joining in.

  5. rajkkhoja

    Beautiful girl pic. What a big smile of face. . Nice to on the prompt .

    1. Selma Martin

      Big beautiful smile, right?! So beautiful indeed. Thanks, Raj

  6. poetisatinta

    Selma, I adore this and it resonates with me so much 💕

  7. Destiny

    precious, dear Selma.
    a wonderful poem and as a daughter… many thanks🙏🤍✨

    1. Selma Martin

      You are so welcome. ‘Tis the truth. You belong here, future world leaders of the world!!
      As mothers and aunties and grandmas and daughters and friends, let’s promote such a message to all our girls. Xoxo

  8. KK

    A heart touching poem!

      1. KK

        My pleasure!

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Happy to know. So happy.

      Hey, be well, Cheryl. Please. Xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Thank you, dearest Robbie. So happy you liked it.

    1. Selma Martin

      I didn’t have a daughter, but I know what it is to be one. Thanks, Lauren. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      I’m delighted you enjoyed and found it (August poem about daughters) to your liking, dear Sicilian writer. Thanks so much. Blessings on your weekend. Xoxo
      I wish you miracles.

  9. Bridgette

    “before you were of this world
    you were born in me”
    I love these lines so much. Beautiful writing.

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