You Send me Love Letters #Quadrille #148 #dVerse
The best of times, our lovely long-distance relationship was. A time of patience, & that beautiful art of letter writing made it all a worthy romantic time I savor. We still have the letters.
The best of times, our lovely long-distance relationship was. A time of patience, & that beautiful art of letter writing made it all a worthy romantic time I savor. We still have the letters.
All those constructs that restrict, all those 'social norms' that hold us back. May we find fortitude to chisel them away. In nibbles, perhaps.
When you sport a crooked smile, get a wobble in your walk, quiver fevered, and shivers run down your spine, you need a breather. Hope this helps. xo
The lovely prompt from dVerse gave rise to this 44 word poem. See what you think and happy holidays to you.
Cliff jumping? Rock diving? This mother says, “No thank you.” What about you?
Poetry for September: Go bananas, Get your groove on Fall, I Luv ya' Life is groovy...
If wooden gates could talk, what stories would they tell? These stories are also stored in hearts that never forget. Hope you enjoy the poem that came through me today. Happy shelling.
When the seams start tearing away, it's time to tarry awhile in curiosity. So cut yourself some slack-- pause and get curious about something besides work.