Read more about the article Some Things To Not Pass Down To Your Children
Image by Ben Kerckx from Pixabay

Some Things To Not Pass Down To Your Children

Where do children learn about criticism and pet peeves? From imitating adult behaviors, of course. Children learn what they see, adapt behaviors from others, and test boundaries as they get older. If you feel children today have become more cynical and aggressive, you're probably right. The good news is that we still have time to help change them to be more generous, less critical, and exemplary ambassadors of peace. 

Read more about the article Court Blue Moments that Arise Out of The Blue
Image by Khusen Rustamov from Pixabay

Court Blue Moments that Arise Out of The Blue

Blue. Out of the blue come those blue moments. Try not to run away into the future or to revert to the past no matter how pleasant or unpleasant the present blue moment feels. It's only then that the lessons will have meaning. I wish you many blue moments and miracles.

Read more about the article Ugly Flowers Can Override The Hollowness Within A Man
Image by Marina Pershina from Pixabay

Ugly Flowers Can Override The Hollowness Within A Man

Have you ever noticed how everything around you looks ugly when you're feeling ugly and unworthy inside? Why is that? Here's a short true story that inspired a poem on one such day. Spoiler: all it took was for him to take care of 'something' that looked as ugly as he felt. Enjoy!

Read more about the article How To Face the Morning With Zest
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

How To Face the Morning With Zest

The way you end your day  is the first step for feeling energized, capable, productive, focused, and creative the following day. I enjoyed researching this one for you, so let me tell you what I found out. Let's add value to your mornings.