Swan Song Tendrils Talk and A Trio #cinquain #flowers
What did you do today? I spent the day saying my goodbyes to my favorite flower/tendril-bearing vines. Now, I send up a request for more blooms next year.
What did you do today? I spent the day saying my goodbyes to my favorite flower/tendril-bearing vines. Now, I send up a request for more blooms next year.
I know that some of you reading this article today are feeling beat, depressed, disillusioned about things like your children’s prom as early as next month, perhaps; their upcoming class trips, graduations, and moving plans — that are yet to happen in the summer months. Now that we’re committed to living in the present, shouldn’t we be letting go of worrying over things that have yet to come to pass? Let’s not rush things. Instead, I ask that you put your hands together for the young ones, like yours in your homes, who are braving it now, here in Japan. Right now these young kids are living through those same milestone events that are yet to come in your area.