Read more about the article Reblog: For This is How Winter Peacefully Slides Away
A Sleeping Boreas Image by djedj from Pixabay

Reblog: For This is How Winter Peacefully Slides Away

Winter is a spent, tired old man, that has gone without sleep for a whole season. Then there come a vibrant, radiant Spring; she intoxicates the old man, sends him to sleep with a dream in his heart. And ever so slowly, the enfeebled season slips away peacefully. What we get after that is delicious fecundity of fertility and lush-- in other words, spring. Finally!

Read more about the article My Funny Valentine: How Can One Day Be It?
Listening to the radio: Image by Victoria_Watercolor from Pixabay

My Funny Valentine: How Can One Day Be It?

Find awe in the idea of love and the depth of love you’re capable of giving. AND, don't wait for Valentine's Day to begin. Scroll to the bottom for a timely Aside concerning a friend.