Read more about the article Awakening from Zerrissenheit– Life Reimagined
Image by PIRO4D from Pixabay

Awakening from Zerrissenheit– Life Reimagined

Most of the time something is blocking the good vibrations from coming in. People out of vortex often feel hopeless, fearful, and annoyed. In this alphabet poem, I envisaged us all finally awakening to a reality that I wish to see in our world. All of us in the vortex. The presence of love is already sweeping away some of the hurtful things that are not of love. Soon love will be the only thing standing. That is the hope.

Read more about the article First You Identify Its Meaning, Then You Ascribe It Value
Image by Andreea Swank from Pixabay

First You Identify Its Meaning, Then You Ascribe It Value

Music is something we all associate with youth, and we can always relate the two by the type of music we listened to. In a big way, that is how we express and search for meaning and balance in life. And value. Sometimes we stumble on it when still young, but many times, generations transpire before we find it. That is the way of the world. But each generation extracts different meanings from different situations, and, right or wrong, everyone arrives at the right conclusions at the exact moment they’re ready. How? Are you with the majority or part of the minority? In music, as in all things, a small minority might be just what we need to continue the ripple effect.