The Cinderella of Flowers that’s Queen of the Night
The Cacti that blooms for only one night, and is gone before the sunlight finds her. I find this inspiring. I hope you do as well.
The Cacti that blooms for only one night, and is gone before the sunlight finds her. I find this inspiring. I hope you do as well.
Music is something we all associate with youth, and we can always relate the two by the type of music we listened to. In a big way, that is how we express and search for meaning and balance in life. And value. Sometimes we stumble on it when still young, but many times, generations transpire before we find it. That is the way of the world. But each generation extracts different meanings from different situations, and, right or wrong, everyone arrives at the right conclusions at the exact moment they’re ready. How? Are you with the majority or part of the minority? In music, as in all things, a small minority might be just what we need to continue the ripple effect.
Sometimes when you desire it hard enough, echoes of home come in the wind, or as stowaways in the nets of fishermen. Just sayin'...
This year, on our visit to the cemetery, I saw a whiskey tumbler placed on a tombstone. That’s acceptance, I thought, and proof of love. Obon.
Summer and Well-being: A must! But let me tell you about a green French-curly doily that's more than just decoration on your plate. You'll be healthier for it this summer.
At my local grocery story today, the buzz was on. I savored it. But then what I heard on the car radio zapped me back to the sad reality that the pandemic is still on. What sadness. Be safe everyone.
A fun Etheree for Tanka Tuesday that asks help to bloom into my purpose. And if I don't mend my selfish ways, I deserve to be hurled to the moon, never to return. Imagine that! Thanks for reading.
Having ordinary days. Want to reach out to you with an extraordinary piece of music that bathe me with warmth and gentle happiness today. Be well my friends.
Do old photos send you down memory lane? Or do you care not about the past? I'm a softie for old photos and for old things that obviously hold secrets and good memories. Hope this poem sits well with you. Enjoy.
A Poem to bring awareness to how we all get that sunken feeling that could land us in the bottom -- in depression, stressed out, lost-- lest we keep balance on pressure.
Hello friends. This reflective piece today is short. Not a poem like I've taken to writing these days, but a slice of life, a prayer that came visiting me today.…
I worked on questions that a fictional character in a book I like would be contemplating. I bet you'll know right away who this character is. Please consider leaving me your thoughts *wink*