How To Not Let Fake Appreciation Mar Your Heart Forever
Friendship is what keeps me going. "Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.” ~ Francesco Guicciardini
Friendship is what keeps me going. "Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.” ~ Francesco Guicciardini
"The blue moment-- it comes on like torrents of grace, unexpected, unannounced, and will forever live in your memory. A gift of the spirit." ~ Kent Nerburn
Have you ever noticed how everything around you looks ugly when you're feeling ugly and unworthy inside? Why is that? Here's a short true story that inspired a poem on one such day. Spoiler: all it took was for him to take care of 'something' that looked as ugly as he felt. Enjoy!
Loneliness: a social pain Clouds in lacey white dresseshurriedly pass o’er rooftopssalaciously dancing ‘roundpuffed-upinconspicuous Wind Sun, red-facedlike a disgruntled sentinelbeams strongerbellowing "Order!"to the frolicking clouds;his abhorrence ignitedby their blatant charade…
What if... Compounding at 1% a day, in 365 days, we’ll be 37 times better/stronger/more blessed/kinder. Here's one way to get started: Let your hard-earned money work as an extension of you; send it out with one blessing to touch people’s life. In time, you might decide to increase that rule.
We’re one people brought down to our knees To face challenges we’ve ignored for too long If it weren’t for the love we all carry in our souls We would have perished already, alone
A short message today, to take you into a glorious new week. “Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. Love is an active verb, like ‘struggle.’ To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.” — Mr. Fred Rogers