Recital of A Brave and Startling Truth: Poem by Maya Angelou

A homemade recording. By Selma.

I hope Maya’s poem I chose to share today touches us all in all the right places.
Also, thanks so much for your support of my debut poetry collection. I bless you.

“We are the possible
We are the miraculous–
the true wonder
of this world”


Let’s turn to our stillness within
to allow the blessings to seep in.

A flower with petals of rainbow colors

Thanks for your visit today.
I bless you and wish you safe and joyous festivities.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. Sadje

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem Selma. It is possible to live in harmony and peace but we all need to desire it, work for it.

    1. Selma Martin

      True true true, Sadje.
      Thanks for appreciating the poem so much and showing it with a comment. I bless you.

  2. beth

    we so need this now, thanks for sharing

  3. Ingrid

    A wonderful reading of a powerful poem, Selma!

  4. 100 Country Trek

    Thanks for sharing this idea I follow yours but can you follow mine. Anita

  5. Michele Lee

    She was a gift! Thank you for sharing your voice and her timeless words. 👏🏻

  6. judeitakali

    Beautiful recital, Selma. And loved the poems chosen. Huge congratulations for your debut collection 😃♥️✨♥️♥️

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Arigatou gozaimasu 🙇🏽‍♀️
      And congratulations to you too. 🤗

    1. Selma Martin

      Your enthusiasm is all the encouragement I need. Blessings.

      1. Maria Michaela

        I love listening to your audio as I read along, Selma. I might play the audio again as I get to bed in a bit ☺️

        1. Selma Martin

          Hope it was soothing. Thank you for being here. Blessings.

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