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A small car driving down the beach road

One Day With Margaret Atwood Under The Sun

So, it didn’t rain that much in April. Umm, maybe. If it did, I didn’t notice
as I was busy with NaPoWriMo every day… But it has been raining a lot, on and
off, in May. (The amount of seaweed on the beach and the large puddle at the
entrance are telltale signs).

So on those days when the sun is out, I go on my daily walks, and as is my
preference, I gravitate to water: a river or the ocean.

Today, I made it to the beach. And lucky for me, the book I borrowed from the
library yesterday begged me to go along. So all day long, it was just me and
Margaret Atwood.

I meant to take a dip, but the water was just too cold, so I got some sun while
I read some poetry.

Today’s post is written for Michele Lee at My Inspired Life Website for the
What Moves You? blog challenge. Thanks so much, sweet Michele Lee. XO.

Water moves me,
my feet walk me there
seasons cleaning


The Day

and the bee buzzing

And the crows cawed,
and the bees shied away,
and the waves were rough—
It was a perfect day.

A man casts his net and pulls hard
bulging the tide on the moon’s side
yet Sea fights back for inertia
first tide, then another—surf tides.

When Tide is low, I dream of you
at high tide, I want to escape.
The sea ebbs and flows, and
tangled in net, a stowaway:

Sea Breeze from yonder, I know you
stay longer, my thieving gray jay;
this time you came with the moonbeams
till next moon grant my heart’s desire.

<<the sounds today on this short video.

I hope you enjoyed the photos, poems and coming along with us on this
glorious day in May. Let’s do it again soon.

All photos and words © selma.

Thanks for reading. I wish you miracles.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 65 Comments

    1. Selma Martin

      The sea calls us. I know. And we’re all connected through it. So happy to know you’ll be on the other side on a Sunday. 😀

  1. Sadje

    Love the video and your poem.

  2. lynn__

    I enjoyed your photos of the sea, the bee video, and poetry…thanks for taking us to the beach (and lunch) with you, Selma! Such unusual blossoms (to me)…what are those red flowers?

      1. lynn__

        Dear Selma, i appreciate you!

  3. rajkkhoja

    Thank, Selma you sharing photos, poem and video. All photographs are so love. Very improving & lovely words written in poem.
    Wonderful video shoot for Haney bee on flower. I love the video.
    Beautiful small car driving down on the beach road, Selma 👍

    1. Suma Reddy

      Wonderful write up with stunning pictures. I love your bio Selma. Glad to meet you 😇💛❤

      1. Selma Martin

        Aww. It’s nice to eMeet you too, sweet Suma. So happy you enjoyed. I’ll hop over for a visit. Xoxo blessings on your day.

    2. Selma Martin

      Raj, I’m delighted to know you enjoyed it all. Thank you.

    3. Selma Martin

      Raj, I’m delighted to know you enjoyed it all. Thank you. Twice 😃

    4. Selma Martin

      Somethings gets out of sync when you send response on each photo. Please don’t do that… This is my third attempt at responding to your lovely comment HERE (WHERE I ACCEPT COMMENTS) I value you and want you to know I am responding to your kindness, Raj: Raj, I’m delighted to know you enjoyed it all. Thank you. Third attempt. 😃I bless you.

  4. Ingrid

    Looks like a fantastic day, Selma! 😎

    1. Selma Martin

      It was. I needed one like this. Thanks for visiting and commenting. Blessings.

  5. Destiny

    ah… fun was had… how lovely 🤍

  6. sgeoil

    The perfect kind of day to inspire such poetry, and you can’t go wrong with Margaret Atwood as a companion!

    1. Selma Martin

      Indeed, indeedy, Heather. The day was well spent. In good company 😃

  7. Michele Lee

    You have enriched our day with your abundant beauty, talent, and heart. Thank you so very much, Selma, for participating in our moving challenge! An absolute delight to read you this morning! 🙏🏻💖🌊📖

    1. Selma Martin

      Aww. Wouldn’t have happened if not for you, dear one. Boomeranging a big thank you. Stay sweet. XoXo

      1. Michele Lee

        A merging of many thoughts and inspiration from others. It’s a group effort! 🙌🏻 Thank you for joining the group and bringing your special Selma style! 😊🤗

  8. Kathryn LeRoy

    How blessed you are to be close to the beach. I have always had a love affair with the rolling waves, the shahs they hit the shore. Thanks for sharing your photos and words–all are delightful and made me smile.

    1. Selma Martin

      We share that love too. It swells my heart that we do. Thanks so much, my sweet.
      Yes, I’m lucky to be this close. Or at best walking distance. Sometimes I walk the 40 minutes in one go. Sometimes I dally, stopping to say hello to anything that moves and get there much much later. But when I want to hurry get there, or I take my beach chair or tent, I drive the 10-15 minutes 👏 yesterday I walked with Margaret and only stopped to check on that shy 🐝
      Blessings. XoXo

      When you come visit, bring a good pair of comfortable shoes and we’ll walk. 💕 👏

  9. Jennifer Pentland

    Lovely photos! It looks like you managed to squeeze in a beautiful day in between the rain drops! 🙂

    1. Selma Martin

      It was a perfectly glorious day. But the clouds sneaked in and all but ate the sun while I ate. They were probably hungry too. 😜
      Thanks for reading and commenting. XoXo

  10. jazzytower

    Sounds like a wonderful day. I love listening to the waves, very peaceful. A nice write, the photo of the silhouette made me 😊.


    1. Selma Martin

      So pleased to know that you liked it. Thanks for the visit and comment. Bless you. XoXo

  11. Dawn Pisturino

    Now that the temperatures have risen, going to the beach sounds lovely!

    1. Selma Martin

      It does. The sea is where I go all season long. And lucky for me that I don’t live to far from it. Thanks for visiting me. I appreciate you. blessings, Dawn.

  12. Selma, thank you for sharing your perfect day with us! The two short poems are lovely. I felt I was there. 🙂

    The last poem (Where is the title, Selma?) is overwhelmingly gorgeous, deeply heart-touching! Stunning imagery. The last verse spoke to me. I hope you get your heart’s desire! <3

    1. Selma Martin

      True, true. I failed to name the poems.
      I have a place I call home– it’s my present life, but I never forget the small place that raised me and gave me my start. I call that place home too (though now it doesn’t include my parents who have gone to meet their maker) but the things of that time and place still visit me on occasion. I let them. I am so happy to know you liked that poem so much. I felt it visit in the breeze. My heart’s desire is for those whiffs to never stop coming my way. Blessing you, dear friend.

  13. Bridgette

    Thank you for taking us with you on that beautiful May day. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of your feet in water is there? The ocean. The lake. The river. Water calls to me and I have to put my feet in, even if it’s freezing. Your post has me smiling as if I was with you.

    1. Selma Martin

      The moment my feet touch that water I become part of that enormity that is the Ocean. I will not have it any other way. And I know its the same for you too. Thanks for coming along with me. Glad I got to do that then, today is raining and cold. Stay sweet, dear one. I bless you.

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy you stopped for a visit, Dwight. So happy for the comment. Glad you liked the photos. xoxo

    1. Selma Martin

      Glad you came along with me on my moving trip to the beach. xoxo

      1. Cindy Georgakas

        Yes me too! maybe I’ll get the move it gene and see if I can muster something up! 💗

  14. Layla Todd

    What a lovely post that moves me too! Loving your photos and especially that cute little car! 😀

    1. Selma Martin

      So happy about your comment dear one. Happy this moved you. Xoxo

  15. Conny

    I feel refreshed reading this, Selma. Thanks for sharing your lovely day with us 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      I love hearing this, dear Conny. It refreshed me knowing. Xoxo blessings on your Sunday. Xoxo

  16. rothpoetry

    Congratulations Selma… we are winners!! :>)

  17. JoAnna

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful day with us. I loved the video with the red flower and the bee.

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, dear friend. Most things happen virtually these days. I was happy you came along and shared the day with me. Thanks most dearly. Bless you.

      1. JoAnna

        Blessings to you, dear Selma.

  18. Selma Martin

    WHATS GOING ON HERE?! A friend just sent me a message that sent (more) alarm bells:

    “ Congrats on the win Selma!! For some reason I can’t get onto the comment section of your post. Have a good week😊”

    THIS WORRIES ME! That’s how it started back in 2019 when I lost a year’s worth of blog posts.
    Friends couldn’t post comments. And I didn’t want to sound ‘vain’ to ask WordPress to help me fix it back then.

    Well, sometimes we need to pay attention.
    If any “FRIEND” (spammers begone!) is having trouble here or in another post, please email me. selmagogowrites

    I appreciate you. Thanks so much.

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