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It’s Not a Place, It’s a Feeling

Phantasmal clouds wreathe the hills--
the sea, rough with foam breaking;
seagulls encourage one another.
From that dreamy mess she emerges:
Poem of mine, you taste salty on my lips.

© 2023

Hello, friends. Today I tackle two prompts. The first, a Gogyohka, is for the W3 prompt
posted on June 28, 2023, #61: Wea’ve Written Weekly.

Heather Carr-Rowe (Sgeoil) prompt guidelines

  • Write a poem in any style about a place that evokes emotion (a place where you find poetry);
    • It could be a place you go daily; perhaps from your childhood; or a place you may have only dreamed of. It may be under your favourite tree; a sports field; the lake; a coffee shop; your comfy chair; the dreaded dentist’s chair; or on a plane in the clouds… the possibilities are endless.

Poems hide in plain sight!

And the second is for Colleen’s Word Craft #TankaTuesday Weekly #Poetry Challenge
No. 326, 6/27/23, where we’re exploring the many possibilities of synonyms only.

📔 Close & Open 📖

Your poetry writing invitation for this week:

  1. Write a syllabic poem of your choice using synonyms for the words: “Close & Open.” Please DO NOT use the words, synonyms only.
  2. Remember, if you write a freestyle poem, please add a syllabic form also.
Red sun in the east,
the full moon in the west--
bewitching hour


Thanks for reading. xoxo

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 37 Comments

  1. Ingrid

    I love the taste of a good poem! 😊

    1. Selma Martin

      I love the taste of a good poem too. Thanks, Ingrid. xoxo

  2. beth

    poems are made of the senses

    1. Selma Martin

      Of the senses, right, Beth. Thanks for reading. blessings.

  3. Kajal

    I love both the poems🌻

    1. Selma Martin

      Thanks, Kajal. so happy to know you liked them. Blessings. xoxo

  4. memadtwo

    I really like the peaceful feeling in both of these Selma. (K)

    1. Selma Martin

      Thank you, dear K. Glad you liked them. xoxo And may your weekend Fourth of July Celebrations be peaceful and memorable. Happy Birthday, America and its lovely people. I bless you. xoxo

  5. rajkkhoja

    Indeed! What nice written word of taste salty on lip. The best photo.
    “Red sun in the east,
    the full moon in the west–
    bewitching hour, What a great!

    1. Selma Martin

      Raj, sweet Raj. Thanks so very much. Blessings. xoxo

      1. rajkkhoja

        My pleasure!

  6. murisopsis

    Absolutely beautiful! That poem emerging is a wonderful mental image for me!!

    1. Selma Martin

      Splendid, as that’s where poems emerge. I love it that its the same for you. So happy you read. Thanks for the comment. xoxo Happy Fourth of July Celebrations, Valerie dear. May it be peaceful and memorable too. I bless you. xoxo

  7. ben Alexander

    WOW, Selma! Your first poem in particular reads like a vivid, beautiful dream…

    Much love,

  8. sgeoil

    In all that we see and feel, poetry does emerge. A wonderful write, Selma!

    1. Selma Martin

      A feeling. Right. So happy you like it Melissa. Xoxo

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