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GloPoWriMo 2023, Day 12: To My Dear Little Poem


i want you
to rise above
the noise, alight in
a flowering tree and
in your branch beside the sky
like a piper piping away
with benevolent sound, rhythm, rhyme, and
purpose pure, a li'l linnet bird to be

   © selma

Poem form: etheree

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animal avian beak bird
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For Day Twelve Prompt

Thanks so much for reading, and happy national poetry writing month.

Selma Martin
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This Post Has 20 Comments

  1. RuthScribbles


  2. michnavs

    A truly delightful etheree Selma❤️🌹

  3. Gloria

    Oh, loved this one! A gentle reminder to us all poets.

  4. Romana Iorga

    May your linnet hear you, Selma, and come back to you often! Love this form.💜

  5. rajkkhoja

    Truelly sweet!

  6. memadtwo

    The poem as bird–excellent! (K)

  7. Sadje

    Short and sweet. Lovely poem Selma.

  8. Conny

    Very uplifting, Selma!!

  9. Bill

    A wonderful little poem, Selma.

  10. Ellie Thompson

    What a sweet little bird and an even sweeter poem to compliment it with, Selma. Really delightful. Xx 💐💕

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