For Wea’ve Written Weekly Prompt #54– An Elfchen Strand
Elevenie (German: elfchen) a short poem with a given pattern that contains eleven words arranged in a specified order over five rows. Here's a strand of them. Enjoy
Elevenie (German: elfchen) a short poem with a given pattern that contains eleven words arranged in a specified order over five rows. Here's a strand of them. Enjoy
Day 29 NaPoWriMo, off prompt; W3 #52, Wea've Written Together Weekly. Please check out my first Erasure Poem.
Maureen says: Today, I challenge you to write your own index poem. You could start with found language from an actual index, or invent an index. Click to see what I have for you in the likes of Emily Dickinson.
Can't believe we're at the tail end now. What fun this has been. Thanks to everyone for your kind support. Let's do this: Day 27-- A Whale Of A Worthy Pursuit xoxoxo I wish you happiness, all.
Day 26, Wednesday: Responding to the prompt: A self portrait Poem And take a look if you missed any before. Note: I’m stockpiling ten responses. Thanks for understanding. I bless you.
Dear reader, if you ever hear a whistle as you roam the jungles in Belize, hide your thumbs-- the only way to fool Tata Duende. And You & your horse will not get tails braided into a tangled mess. Trust me on this one.
Click here to see the prompt, please Anguished brethren— at long last, a realization!Bouquets of bitterness will not get you to the endCrepuscular beast challenged, jarred to review lifeDown on…
Today’s challenge asks you to write a poem that contains the name of a specific variety of edible plant – preferably one that grows in your area. Here's my poem showcasing the 'fruit' of the ocean. Hope you enjoy it.
A poem for my poem that I hope you come to enjoy.
Tuning in to the right radio station: Don't touch that dial... so it goes, and so it goes.
Let's pretend I know how to write a sea shanty. #napowrimo2023 #seashanty
Wellaneba! This exercise took me into a nightmare state, like when I had a fever as a child. In my delirium, I hallucinated. This twenty little poetry project felt like that to me. Good or bad? Hard to say... It wowed me.