Read more about the article How to Grow your Audience on Social Media
lifting peers. Image by madsmith33 from Pixabay

How to Grow your Audience on Social Media

Take it from me, dear reader/subscriber/follower, one person's success does not take away from someone else achieving the same. Be it success in Social Media, in the workplace, school or home. But the difference in achieving it relies on one vital ingredient. I know because it happened to me. Read about it here.

Read more about the article To Be a Vampire or Not
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

To Be a Vampire or Not

Options, Choices, Decisions and Trials? They are everyday essentials. How are you managing? The decision to become a vampire, or not, has to be one of the most epistemic situations to find yourself in. For starters, you know very little about your possible future as a vampire. Running parallel to that, you are limited when you face a possible future as a vampire. If you want to make the decision by thinking about what your lived-experience would be like if you decided to undergo the experience, then my friend — you have a problem…

Read more about the article Do You Believe In Miracles?
Image from Author's Album

Do You Believe In Miracles?

I see where you're coming from. Yesterday people loved you; today, you're their target. Yesterday everything was going smoothly; today, kaboom... We're the same, you and I. But, there's 'something' you can do about it, and you have total control over this. It begins with a lesson and a mind shift. After this, you'll love your life, be deserving of miracles and embrace your life.